Far Enough

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"Let me see it again!" I reach over grabbing Emiko's hand where the diamond ring sparkles brightly on her finger.

"Can I hear the story again?" I whine, leaning back into the couch cushions.

"You've heard it a thousand times." Asuma grunts from the lounge chair. "The baby hormones are making you emotional."

I shake my head and flash him my middle finger.

"I'm emotional because I love the two of you and I'm so happy that you're getting married."

"Be nice to my maid of honor." Emiko puts her hand over my tummy and looks over at Asuma.

"I want one of these next." She says, smirking at him as she points at my tummy.

His eyes look like they're nearly going to bulge out of his head as his cheeks heat up.

He clears his throat, pulling at the collar of his shirt.

"Can't we just spoil Kei for a while and then have our own?"

I hear Kakashi chuckle from behind his book on the other end of the couch.

"Don't you want our son or daughter to grow up with their son? Like cousins?" Emiko complains to him.

He looks over at Kakashi for help but is met with his face hidden behind his book.

"I mean, our kid can be like a year or two younger than theirs, right sweetheart?" He laughs nervously, making me giggle.

Emiko folds her arms in front of her chest and pouts as she leans back into the couch.

"Whatever Asuma. Whatever you want."

I watch Asuma shake his head and stand to his feet.

"Alright, let's get going grumpy. We have to get ready for dinner tonight if we wanna be on time."

"What time are we meeting again?" I ask as I try to sit forward on the couch, my five month belly making it harder and harder to do anything.

Kakashi jumps up and leans over to help me sit forward.

"Our reservation is for 7 for the six of us." Emiko tells me as she gets up and walks over to grab her purse.

"Okay, we'll see you guys there then?"

"See you there!" Emiko calls out as Asuma pushes her out of the front door.


"You do realize that if you don't get out of bed now, we'll probably be late." Kakashi leans against the door frame in his button up shirt and khaki slacks.

"Kei doesn't want me to move. I think he wants mommy to stay in bed and rest." I coo to my bare stomach as I gently caress it.

Kakashi shakes his head as he walks over and lays on the bed. He reaches over and leans his head softly on my tummy.

"Any fluttering today?" Kakashi's eyes wander up to mine as he looks at me excitedly.

"You already know it's any time he hears your voice. Maybe if you just put your face really close to my stomach, and talk to him, he'll kick for you."

When I started feeling Keitaro's tiny flutters inside of me, Kakashi had spent almost the entire rest of the week glued to my side to try to feel them as well.

Falling for my Sensei •• Kakashi Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now