Keeping My Distance (Kakashi POV)

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"Fuck, I'm close."

I can't hold back much longer. She's so tight and wet. The feeling of being inside her is unlike one that I've experienced before.

I could get lost with her like this forever. It feels so different from the other women I've been with in my past.

Ari is different.

I feel her nails digging into my back. The feeling creates a delicious mix of pleasure and pain. Hearing her continuous moaning in my ear is more than I can handle.

Her legs wrap around my waist and with one final deep thrust I reach my peak, finishing inside of her.

I nearly lose the strength in my legs as I lean forward resting my forehead on her shoulder.

I plant a soft kiss on her.

Holy shit, sex with Ari was better than I could've ever imagined.

Sex with Akari.

It fucking hits me and I stand up right pulling out of her and backing up.

No, Fuck, no. I can't believe I just did this.

I pull my sweatpants up in a rush.

I look at her and she looks like I just slapped her across the face.

She's frozen in shock with her legs still wide open, I can see our juices leaking out of her and down her legs.

I just fucking came inside of her.

Panic rises in my throat and I feel like I'm going to be sick. How could I do this to her? How could I be so fucking irresponsible!

"I shouldn't have done that. Oh fuck. That was wrong Akari. That was really wrong."

I reach up running my hand through my hair that was lightly matted with sweat.

I have absolutely no self control. I stepped over a line that I can never come back from.

I see her face fall.

She quickly closes her legs and pulls her shirt down, covering herself from me as if she's embarrassed to be seen in the state I have left her in.

Fuck I'm making this worse.

"What are you talking about Kakashi?" She asks in a voice so soft I can hardly hear her.

"This!" I can't keep the panic out of my voice and this is happening way too fast.

Oh my god, is she on birth control?

"Are you even on birth control Ari?! Shit.
I mean you just fucked Shikamaru tonight too, didn't you?"

The words escape me before I can even stop them. Damn it.

She's looking down at her lap and I know I've made her cry.

I have to comfort her.

I have to apologize for what the fuck I just said. How insensitive am I?

I just implied that she sleeps around.

Before I can reach out to her, she gets off the counter and storms out of the bathroom. What?

I follow her and stand in the doorway of the bathroom.

I'm smacked in the face by my shirt and my boxers that she just threw at me.

"Get out." Her voice is thick with indifference.

I look at her, searching her face for an explanation to what I just caused.

I look for forgiveness but there's nothing there.

No emotion at all.

I don't recognize this stone faced girl in front of me.

"Ari, I-" I try to explain myself.

"Get the fuck out!" She yells at me.

I hear her struggling to keep the hurt out of her voice. I hurt her.

I can't move. I cannot make my body physically move. I don't want to go before fixing this.

I stand there stupidly, holding my clothes, completely speechless.

"I'm not a fucking child. You didn't have to put your dick in me!"


"That was your choice. Don't blame me for your fucking mistakes."

No, Ari. She's not a mistake. I have to explain.

"And don't you dare shame me for who I open my legs to because you were so willing to jump in between them when I did."

Her words are so cold and sharp they could slice me open.

I stand there, stunned in silence.

The only thing I can manage to do is make my legs move and walk out of her bedroom.

And out the front door.

The crisp air of the night is like a much needed slap in the face.

The gravity of what just happened finally hits me and all I want to do is turn back.

But I can't.

I had sex with Akari tonight.

Not only that, but it was unprotected sex with her. I don't even know if she's on birth control.

I could've completely fucked up her entire life from a single careless night. And then I left her alone after I flipped out on her. What have I done?

She deserves so much better than that. Better than me.

I replay the image of her covering herself in front of me. The look of embarrassment and pain clearly displayed on her face. I made her look like that.

I had sex with her, I took a piece of her and then I shamed her for it.

I always considered myself a man of honor, respect and dignity. But the man I was tonight was one who lacked all of those traits.

Tonight I was the man that I never wanted for her.

I feel rain start to sprinkle down lightly as I walk through the night to my apartment.

The perfect ending to a ruined night.

I need to fix what I caused.

Can this even be fixed?

Maybe I should do her a favor and keep my distance.

She would do so much better if I just stayed away from her in every way except as her Sensei.

I did this, so it's the least I could do for her.

So that was it. I repeated my new mantra over and over in my head as I walked home being crushed by my own sorrows.

I have to stay away from Akari.

I have to stay away from Akari

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