You Are Strong

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Iruka's POV:

"Baby, your phone. Your phone is ringing." Ria's hand shakes me awake as I blindly grab at my phone to see Ari's name on the screen.

I sit up in a heartbeat.

"Akari is calling me. And its the middle of the night."

Ria sits up beside me as I answer the phone.


Her loud sobs fill my ear before she can even speak and I'm suddenly out of bed and throwing on a shirt.

"Iruka, please, you have to come right now."

Panic hits my body fast as I hear Ria struggle out of bed as well.

"Iru, what's going on?" She calls as I'm already running out of the bedroom.

"I'm coming, I'm running out the door right now. What happened?"

Her crying becomes more hysterical as I grab my shoes and force them onto my feet, throwing the front door open.

"I don't know Iru, I'm going into labor I think, but something is wrong."

The phone shuffles as I hear her struggle to hold in a scream.

I don't even know how my legs are working right now, I can't feel my body.

"Something is really fucking wrong."

"Okay, Ari, Akari listen to me. You need to call Sakura right now. I'm on my way. I'll call Kakashi."

I hear silence on the other end and then her small whimpers.

"Iruka, I'm bleeding."

I feel a piece of my heart break for her because that cannot be good.

And Ari, my Ari, she's already lost so much.

"I'll call Sakura. You, just sit. Just sit down and just-" I'm out of breath. Between sprinting in the direction of their house and the terror I'm feeling for my two best friends, I can't catch my breath.

"Just breathe, Ari. I'll be there soon. Okay, I promise I'm close. Call Asuma if you can."

I hear her breathing grow heavy and another loud shriek come from her end.

"Iruka please, hurry, it hurts."

"I'm coming, call Asuma he will be there quicker."

I quickly hang up the phone and search Sakura's name as I round another street corner.

As soon as I hang up with Sakura, I'm on Akari's street and I can see Asuma carrying her out of the front door.

Asuma looks at me, his expression of pure horror as he holds her closer to him, blood dripping from her legs.

"Go, I have to call Kakashi."

He nods his head and Ari wails harder.

"Please Iruka, tell him I need him. We need him."

"Breathe Akari, everything's going to be okay."

I watch as she wraps her arm tighter around Asuma's neck, holding onto him with the hand that isn't resting tightly against her stomach.

As soon as they disappear, I head into her house, maybe grab a few quick things to bring for her, like a change of clothes.

"Iru?" I hear Emiko's voice call from their bedroom.

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