Chapter Twenty-Five - The Party

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Layla's POV


Reece was acting weird on our phone call on Monday. Since then, he's been acting pretty normal except for when I mention Ethan. I don't think he likes him, but I have no idea why. He's never even met him.

"You have to come to this party with me tonight, babe." Ethan states more than asks as I shut my locker.

I frown as we start walking down the hall, "Uh, why?"

"Because I need to find a hot guy to hook up with."

I snort out a laugh, walking out of the front entrance of the school. We've just finished school for the day and I'm more than glad. I'd find it a little hard to fit in at my new school. People are nice to me, but I haven't really found my place. Luckily, Ethan has taken me under his wing. "You don't need a guy to be happy, Ethan."

"No, babe, but I do need some díck to keep my gay áss satisfied," he replies, as blunt as ever. I really have never met anyone quite like him before.

"Okay, fine, I'll go. Only because I need to make sure you don't get into any trouble," I chuckle, walking towards my school bus which is already pulled up as people board.

"Okay, great, we're going to your place then," He replies, following me instead of heading towards his own bus.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Is that so?"

"Well, duh. I already have my clothes in my bag, I knew you'd say yes," He replies before skipping up the steps and onto my bus. I just shake my head, following after him and sitting down in the seat next to him.


"What floor are you on?" Ethan asks as we step into the elevator on the ground floor of my apartment building.

"Ten," I reply, getting out my phone. "I have to warn you, I'll probably have to Facetime my friends back home while we're getting ready."

He gasps, "I'll finally get to meet them!?"

I raise an eyebrow at him as the elevator starts going up, "I didn't realize you wanted to."

He scoffs, "How can I not? I basically know everything about them already! Of course I want to meet the people you can't stop talking about."

I chuckle as the elevator comes to a stop at my floor and the doors open, "Do I really talk about them that much?" I ask as we step out into the hall.

He nods with wide eyes, "You manage to bring them up in almost every conversation, babe."

I sigh softly as we start walking, "I'm sorry, I probably annoy you."

"Of course not! They're important to you and I understand that. I don't mind."

"Thank you, Ethan," I smile at him as we come to a stop in front of my apartment door. I quickly get out my keys and unlock the door before stepping inside.

"You're welcome, babe. Now let's get some food because I am starved."


"Ethan, I'll freeze."

"You'll be fine, babe!"

"It's gonna start snowing any day now!"

"Bring a jacket!"

I huff, staring down at him. He stares right back at me pointedly, shoving another potato chip in his mouth. Finally, I sigh, giving in.

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