Chapter Seven - Sleepovers With Sunshine

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Reece's POV


"Food's here guys!" I call out once I have shut the front door behind me, my arms now stacked high with the pizza boxes that have just been delivered. Walking into the living room, I duck into the fort where loud chatter and giggles fill the air. Everyone digs into the pizzas almost immediately as we settle down to watch a movie.

"Let's watch Pirates of the Caribbean," Max says, taking a bite out of his slice of pizza.

"No!" Macy disagrees, "That movie's scary!" Max rolls his eyes but doesn't argue with her.

"What about Monsters Inc.?" Cody asks.

"No!" Sophie rejects, "I wanna watch a princess movie!"

"Yeah!" Macy agrees excitedly.

"We could watch Beauty and the Beast?" Anna suggests with a shrug.

"No! That's so boring!" Max groans.

"Alright, what about Tangled?" Layla puts in with a raised eyebrow. She is sitting beside me, her hair now pulled up into a messy bun. It looks cute.

Macy gasps, "Yes, I love that movie!"

Max snickers, "Yeah, alright. Only 'cause the guy is basically the only sane Disney character to ever exist."

"Yeah, okay," Cody says, "I like the horse in that movie, he's funny!"

Anna laughs, "As long as you all agree, I'm in,"

"Thank God that's sorted," I mutter, shaking my head with a small smile playing on my lips. I quickly put the movie on and lean back against the couch behind me, taking a bite of my slice of pizza. Movie nights like this are a common occurrence in our house. It is one of the only things that gets the kids to be quiet for more than five minutes.

For the next hour and a half, we all sit and watch the movie, finishing off our pizzas. When the movie finally ends, I look around at my three youngest siblings and find them all fast asleep.

Sighing softly, I lean over and carefully pick Cody up, sitting him on my hip as I stand up and carry him out of the fort. I walk out of the living room and down the hall, into Cody's room to put him to bed. We got the kids changed before dinner because we knew they would be asleep before the movie ended. Pulling the covers over him, I bend down to kiss his forehead and whisper goodnight before I leave the room.

Once I have left Cody to sleep, I go into my own room across the hall so that I can change into something more comfortable than the jeans I'm wearing. I change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie before opening my door to leave my room. Just as I'm leaving my room, I spot Layla walking towards the living room from Anna's room, her back to me. She is now only in a pair of pajama pants and a grey tank top.

 She is now only in a pair of pajama pants and a grey tank top

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