Chapter Thirty-One - Reece's Lethal Cuteness

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A/N -

I am so sorry I missed the update that was supposed to go up two days ago! Here's another double update to make up for it! I love you all and thank you for the support on this story!


Layla's POV


I slowly blink my eyes open, stretching my arms up in the air. Looking around, my brows furrow as I realize I'm lying on my living room couch. Why am I not in my room?

It's then that all the memories of yesterday come flooding back and a smile pulls at my lips. I look to the other couch and find Bella and Max both passed out. Max is leaning against the armrest, still basically sitting up while he sleeps with his head leaning back. Bella has her head in his lap, her legs curled up to her. They're so cute. The armchair is empty, so I assume either Liam and Anna went to the spare bedroom to sleep or they are already up.

I look around, frowning when I realize Reece is no longer beside me. We definitely fell asleep on the couch together last night.

Standing up, I stretch my muscles out some more before turning and beginning my walk to the kitchen. I immediately spot him. He stands alone in the kitchen, making coffee. It seems as though he's the only one awake other than me. Reece has his back to me, so I slowly creep up behind him. When I stop just behind him, I wrap my arms around his waist, nuzzling my nose into his back.

"Mornin' Sunshine," His voice is deep and raspy but he doesn't sound at all surprised. His muscles do tense up slightly though.

I smile into his t-shirt, laying my cheek flat against his back. "Good morning, Reecey." Unwrapping my arms from his waist, I move to stand beside him instead, looking over his shoulder. He holds out a mug for me and I smile, taking the coffee from him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," He replies with a small smile, turning so that he's facing me, holding his own cup of coffee. His dark hair is messy atop his head from sleeping and his eyes are bright. He has some slight stubble on his jaw and for some reason I really want to feel it. But I don't, obviously, because that would be weird.

I rest my hip against the bench and he does that same so that we're both facing each other. I take a sip of the coffee, smiling when I realize he remembered that I like it with cream and two sugars. He's so sweet. Looking up at him from beneath my lashes, I ask, "How long are you guys staying for?"

He raises an eyebrow at me before replying teasingly, "Wanting to get rid of me already, Sunshine?"

I frown, "If you could stay here with me forever, I would force you to."

"You wouldn't have to force me," he smiles, "But we're staying until the 3rd of January. We leave that night."

I gasp quietly, a grin forming on my lips, "You'll be here for your birthday!"

He smiles, his dimples popping out in the most adorable way, "I didn't think you'd remember."

"Of course I remember," I murmur, tilting my head slightly as I frown up at him, "Best friends, duh," He chuckles softly before taking another sip of his coffee. I raise an eyebrow at him as I take a sip of mine as well before replying. "Do you remember my birthday?"

"6th of March," He replies immediately, a slight smile on his face.

"See, if you remember mine, what makes you think I'll forget yours?"

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