Chapter Ten - Surprise Lunch

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Reece's POV


I awake to someone repeatedly poking me in the shoulder. Grumbling under my breath and blinking my eyes open, I look to the side to find the source of the disturbance. Sophie stares back at me with a smile, her head tilted slightly to the side. I raise an eyebrow at her in question to which she asks, "Why is Layla in your lap?"

It is then that memories of yesterday come flooding back. Sophie fell off the deck at home and we all came to the hospital then Layla and I stayed the night with her. It was cold in the hospital so I gave her my hoodie but she was still freezing so I moved her into my lap to hopefully share my body heat so she wouldn't freeze to death.

I look down at the girl that is currently snuggled up to me in my lap and I physically feel my heart soften in my chest. Her legs dangle over the edge of the armchair. One of her hands is resting on my chest, over my heart with her head tucked up under my chin. Her other hand is curled around the back of my neck with her fingertips resting just under the collar of my t-shirt. Her familiar vanilla scent completely engulfs me. My arms are wrapped around her small frame which is practically drowning in my hoodie.

I swallow, blinking a couple more times before looking back at my youngest sibling, "Last night she was cold. So I put her in my lap to keep her warm."

Sophie grins, "I like Layla," She pauses before asking, "Do you like her, Reecey?"

I look down at Layla and immediately know my answer, "I guess she's kind of grown on me."

Sophie is silent for a moment before she asks, "Is that a yes or a no?"

I laugh quietly, trying not to wake the sleeping girl in my arms, "Yes."

She grins, "Do you want her to be your girlfriend?"

My eyes widen as my face suddenly feels as though it's on fire. I splutter slightly, choking on thin air, "What?"

"Do you want Layla to be your girlfriend?" She repeats innocently.

"No. Sunshine and I are just friends," I say but immediately start doubting myself. Are we even friends? Or does she just hang around me because she's friends with Anna? Or Liam?

"Oh," Sophie says, looking a little deflated, "I like her better than Arden. I'm happy she's not your girlfriend anymore."

My mood instantly darkens at the mention of my ex-girlfriend. "I like her better too," I reply, hoping that she will drop the conversation.

Sophie smiles, "Good," Then she holds out her hand, "Can I play on your phone?"

I roll my eyes with a smile and dig my hand into my pocket, careful not to disturb Layla. I hand her my phone and she happily walks back over to the bed, pink cast, and all.

Layla shuffles in my lap a little, her head moving to the crook of my neck as she mumbles a few incoherent words. I stiffen a little as I wait to see what she'll do next.

The sound of annoying game music suddenly fills the air and I groan, looking towards Sophie. "Can you please turn the sound off?"

She pouts, "I like the music."

I huff and dig my hand into my pocket again to try and find my headphones, but I come up with nothing. I frown before coming to the realization that they are in the pocket of my hoodie. The hoodie that Layla is wearing. I swallow roughly before carefully moving my hand into the pocket of the hoodie, trying my best not to disturb her. Pulling out the headphones, I hand them to Sophie before relaxing back into the chair.

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