Chapter Eleven - A Missing Princess

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Layla's POV


Reece picks Bella and I up from our house just before six, much to my dismay. I had tried to tell him that I was perfectly fine to drive us there myself, but he insisted. One we arrive, we walk up the front porch steps of the house that is now fairly familiar to me. Before Reece can even reach out to open the front door, it is thrown open and we are greeted by a very energetic set of twins.

"Layla!" They exclaim as soon as they see me, jumping onto me in a hug.

I bend down to hug them back, avoiding Sophie's bright pink cast as I bring them closer to me. "Hi, Princesses."

When they step back from me, they look up at Bella unsurely. I stand up as well and introduce them. "Girls, this is my little sister, Bella. Bels, this is Sophie and Macy."

"Do you like dolls?" Macy asks her immediately.

Bella laughs, "Of course."

Macy grins then, taking Bella's hand in hers and dragging her into the house. "You need to come see my new doll."

Sophie giggles and grabs my hand to pull me after them. "I need to show you my new doll as well!"

I glance back at Reece with wide eyes and he only chuckles, waving me on to follow after her as she tugs me through the house. I spot Novah and Lucas both in the kitchen and I give them a quick wave and a 'hello' before I'm dragged into the living room.

Macy is already on the floor with Bella, showing her he doll she got, and Sophie quickly pulls me along to join them. She starts showing her doll and I set all my attention on her until I notice Max entering the room. He stops when he sees Bella, his eyes stuck on her.

Let's see how this plays out.

Bella looks up at the new addition to the room as well, stopping when she sees Max. She gasps softly when her eyes land on him. "I love your shirt!"

Max pauses to look down at his shirt, his eyes widening as he looks up at her. Smiling hesitantly he asks, "You like Supernatural?"

"Like it? I love that show!" Bella grins. She quickly gets up and crosses the room, the two of them immediately engaging in a conversation about the TV show."

I smile with a shake of my head before returning my attention to Sophie who is rambling on about her doll. I continue to listen attentively. Little kids' ramblings are always the cutest.

Soon enough, everyone is ushered into the dining room where we all dig into the lasagna Novah and Lucas prepared for us. The food was delicious and before I know it, everyone is finished and completely full.

"That was so good." Max mumbles, leaning back in his chair after he's finished his plate.

"Agreed." Bella says, mimicking his position.

"It really was. Thank you." I tell Novah and Lucas with a smile.

Novah smiles, "You're welcome, Dear. Come over for dinner anytime."

Anna stands and starts collecting plates, "I'll do the dishes."

I stand up as well, "I'll help."

Reece stands and looks down at me, "No you won't. You helped last time."

"So did you, Reece," I shoot back, staring up at him challengingly.

"I'll help Anna," Liam says with a roll of his eyes, chuckling at our bickering.

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