Chapter Thirty-Nine - Who Is She?

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Layla's POV


"Let me guess... A hamburger, no pickle, extra mustard with a side of fries and... a chocolate milkshake?"

"You forgot the extra tomato as well, but other than that, you're spot on."

"Yes!" I exclaim, sitting back in my seat with a satisfied smile. I look to Reece with a smirk, "I bet you can't guess mine that good."

He rolls his eyes, "Easy. You'll get the chicken burger with half the lettuce, double the sauce and a side of fries – curly fries actually – and water, because you don't like flavoured drinks with your meals."

My mouth drops open slightly as I nod, surprised. "Well done. That was spot on. How'd you know I'd go for the chicken burger and not the hamburger."

Reece only shrugs, "Chicken is your favourite."

"Okay, now that... that is done," Anna looks between Reece and me with raised eyebrows from the other side of the booth, "Can we order?"

I immediately blush a bright red, sinking down low in my seat as I look towards the waiter who is staring at Reece and I expectantly, along with everyone else. We got so lost in our own little world that I didn't even notice when the waiter showed up. After quickly reciting our orders to the man, he walks away, leaving us alone at the booth.

"So, Layla," My attention turns to Ella who sits across from me and I see she is smiling widely, "is there a special someone in your life at the moment?"

I automatically think of Reece, but of course I can't mention him when he's sitting right beside me. So, I go with the safe option. "Nope. Just me for the time being."

Ella pouts dramatically, "Aww, we'll find you someone, don't worry! I'm sure there's heaps of guys waiting to take you on a date!"

I start to feel awkward, fiddling with my hands in my lap. I don't like when all the attention is on me, especially when it's regarding my love life. "Uh, not really. But I'm happy on my own for now."

"Be a bit pickier next time, babe," Amanda tunes in, looking to me with a smile, "Preston was trash."

I sigh, hating the reminder of my ex. "Don't bring that up, please. That was a bad judge of character on my part, I know."

Suddenly Reece's hand is on top of mine and I look down, realising I have been cracking my knuckles. I look up at him and he doesn't do anything but glance at me once. That one look says it all. He's telling me to relax, that he's here and there's no reason to be scared. I smile at him gratefully and take the opportunity to trace his tattoos instead of cracking my knuckles as a way to calm myself. It works much better.

"What about you, Ella?" I ask, switching the subject from myself to her, "Have you got your eye on anyone in particular?"

"Well, I have had my eye on a certain guy for a little while. We'll see how it goes." She shrugs with a smile. Then her eyes dart to Reece, lingering for a moment. My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach.

She likes Reece. Has something happened between them? What if he likes her too?

Suddenly feeling deflated, I stop fiddling with Reece's hand and tuck my hands under my thighs instead. He looks down at me, clearly confused, but I don't spare him a glance. If he has feelings for someone else, I should start distancing myself from him now. It will hurt less in the end.

Our food arrives soon after that and the seven of us eat in mostly silence. I can feel my mood dropping and dropping as time passes and soon I just want to leave. The thought of Reece liking someone else hurts me more than it should. I have no right to feel this way. He's allowed to be with whoever he chooses.

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