Chapter One - Generations Of Bad Boys

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Reece's POV


A deep breath of air pushes passed my lips and I watch the smoke escape me, the vapor dipping and dancing through the air above me. Almost immediately, the wind blows the smoke away and I watch the last traces of it disappear as I sigh. Highway to Hell by AC/DC is playing through my headphones and I let my fingers tap to the beat against the concrete ground beneath me. I love this song.

I am an idiot. That is a fact and I frown at the thought. It has been two months since I smoked my last cigarette and now, I have gone and blown it again. I have given in again. Things had been going so well and then I found the old packet of cigarettes in my locker. I couldn't stop myself. But I will stop again. I've done it once and there's nothing stopping me from doing it once more. Nothing but myself. I just have to be stronger this time. I need to fight harder.

I won't let what she did ruin me forever.

The familiar tune of Walking on Sunshine by Katrina & The Waves starts playing in my ears once the previous song has finished. I'm slightly confused as I don't remember ever adding this to my playlist. Taking another drag of my cigarette, I let my gaze lazily drag around the parking lot I'm lying in the middle of. My eyes almost immediately lock on a girl walking out of school. I unconsciously blow the smoke from between my lips as I watch her. She is in a couple of my classes. Her long blonde hair is in soft waves, half of it pulled back from her face and her hands are dug into the pockets of the jacket she wears.

I feel compelled to look back up at her face, and when I do, our gazes lock. Her eyes are quite easily the most beautiful shade of green I have ever seen. I look back up to the sky and away from her as I slowly let out the smoke from my last drag out in rings.

The sound of her approaching footsteps ceases, and I let out a sigh, watching the last traces of smoke leave my lips. I look at her once more, forcing a scowl onto my face as I stub out my cigarette. Taking one headphone out, I ask, "Yes?"

"Why are you lying in the middle of the road?" She asks bluntly, her head slightly tilted to the side as she watches me.

I wasn't expecting her to be so straight forward.

"This is a school parking lot, no cars are gonna come in or out of here for another couple hours." I reply blandly, grabbing my leather jacket that I had earlier discarded beside me. Taking out a lighter and a box of cigarettes from the pocket, I pick another cigarette out of the box before putting it between my lips. I can't stop myself.

"That doesn't really explain why you chose to lay in the middle of the road." Her persistence surprises me. But it also annoys me. I ignore the step closer she takes and light up my cigarette.

I meet her gaze once again, "I felt like it." Then I pause. "You're a curious one, aren't you?" It's more of a statement than a question and I have no idea why I say it. Why am I continuing this conversation?

She shrugs her shoulders and takes a seat on the ground in front of me, watching as I once again blow the smoke from between my lips. "I guess I am."

For a moment or two, we sit in a surprisingly comfortable silence as I smoke my cigarette. Then I suddenly stop, sitting up with an annoyed sigh. "You're so goddamn stubborn. Why are you here?"

"Well, you see, when I saw someone lying in the middle of the road, my instinct was to check if this person was mentally stable." She pauses, a teasing smile now pulling up her lips. I don't think I have ever realized how pretty her smile is before. "So far, the results are undetermined."

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