Chapter Three - More Boy Problems

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Layla's POV


"Leave me alone, Tyler." My ears prick up at the familiar voice and my eyebrows furrow. I stare mindlessly into my locker as I try to pinpoint whose voice it is. Where have I heard it before? Looking around, I try to find the source of the distressed voice and my eyes widen when I spot Anna, Reece's younger sister. She is backed against the row of lockers behind me by one of the most popular Seniors in school, Tyler Bishop.

"You didn't seem to mind the last time we were in a position like this." He sneers, looming over her. Although she is tall, she seems to shrink into herself under his stare, clutching her books to her chest.

I quickly decide that I can't just leave her in that situation as she is clearly uncomfortable. Slamming my locker door closed, I cross the hall, stopping beside Anna and Tyler. "Is everything okay here, Anna?" I ask her, moving my gaze between the two of them.

Tyler's gaze switches to me and his eyes do an obvious sweep of my body before he smirks. "Aren't you Preston's chick?"

I scoff, "He wishes. Can I speak to Anna now please? Alone?"

He turns back to Anna whom he still has trapped against the lockers. "Nah, I think I'm good right here, actually. Right, Banana?"

My eyes move back to Anna and she quickly shakes her head, her eyes wide and pleading for help. I straighten up, eyes narrowing into a glare directed at Tyler. "That's enough. Get away from her. Now." I don't know why he is tormenting Anna or what has happened between them in the past, but it is completely clear that she is uncomfortable with the situation. Boys just don't know how to take no for an answer, do they?

Tyler turns to me with a snarl, "And what if I don't?"

"I think you already know." A familiar deep voice speaks from behind me and I quickly turn my head, seeing Reece standing just behind me. He has a harsh glare set on Tyler and his whole body is tense.

Tyler chuckles darkly as he finally leans away from Anna. She immediately hurries over to me, standing slightly behind me and gripping my hand in hers. I squeeze our joint hands gently, assuring her that I'm here for her.

Reece steps forwards, briefly resting his hand on my shoulder to gently push Anna and I behind him. My heart stutters in my chest when his thumb brushes against the sensitive skin of my neck in a reassuring gesture. His hand quickly falls back to his side, curling into a fist as if instinctually. "I thought I told you to stay away from my sister." Reece practically growls, taking another threatening step towards Tyler.

Tyler stands his ground, glaring up at Reece. "And I thought I told you that I don't give a fúck."

Before I can blink, Reece's fist has connected with Tyler's jaw. But he doesn't stop there. He punches him again and again, Tyler's nose making a sickening crunch sound with one of the punches. Reece sends one last punch to his stomach which has Tyler keeling over in pain.

"How many times have I told you to leave her the fúck alone!?" Reece rumbles.

Tyler reaches a hand up and wipes the blood from his nose, chuckling. He meets Reece's gaze with a menacing glare, "Not enough." Then he turns, running down the hall before Reece can throw another punch at him.

Reece grunts softly, flexing and unflexing his fingers as if he is trying to hold back from going after him. He turns back to face Anna and I instead, asking, "What happened?" He seems a little calmer now, his face softer but body still tense. He bends down to pick up his headphones from the ground which must have fallen when he punched Tyler and he tucks them into his pocket while he waits for a response.

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