Chapter Nine - A Broken Princess

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Layla's POV


After our beach day on Sunday, the next week of school has flown by and now it's Saturday again. Reece, Anna, and Liam are at my house at the moment to binge-watch some more episodes of friends.

Liam snickers, "Joey's so dumb. I'd hate to be like him."

I subconsciously look to Reece who is sitting beside me and I watch his lips pull up into a smirk. Oh no. "Liam-" I quickly reach over and place a hand over his mouth, preventing him from saying anything mean to his best friend. Reece looks to me with narrowed eyes, but I don't feel intimidated at all.

"What?" Liam asks, looking between Reece and I with innocent curiosity.

I smile at him, "Nothing, Sweetie, just watch the TV."

He frowns slightly but turns back around to pay attention to the episode of Friends we are watching anyways.

I let out a soft sigh and remove my hand from over Reece's mouth, smiling up at him innocently. He huffs childishly, furrowing his eyebrows as he sinks back into the couch. "Why does he get a nickname?"

I laugh before cooing, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Sweetums. I didn't realize you wanted one, Snugglekins. You should have told me, Babycakes."

He just rolls his eyes at me, looking like he is about to respond before his phone suddenly starts ringing. He frowns and digs it out of his pocket before answering it. "Hello?" He waits for a moment before continuing with a frown, "What's wrong?" There is another longer pause before he suddenly stands up, eyes wide. "God, is she okay?"

I quickly stand up as well, looking up at him worriedly. I don't like the little crease that has formed between his brows or the frown on his lips. His eyes connect with mine and they gaze intently into mine.

"Okay, yeah, we'll be there soon. Bye, Mom... Love you too, bye." He ends the call and reaches a hand up, running it through his hair.

I look up at him worriedly, "Is everything okay?"

He quickly shakes his head, blurting, "Sophie's in the hospital."


Reece swings into a free parking space near the entrance of the hospital and cuts the engine before quickly getting out of the car. Anna, Liam, and I hurry after him, the four of us rushing through the doors of the hospital and straight to the front desk. The smell of disinfectant invades my senses and I immediately hate it.

A middle-aged lady with greying hair and a kind smile looks up at us as we walk in. Seeing our rushed state, she instantly asks, "How can I help you?"

"My little sister was just brought in here. Her name's Sophie Carter." Reece says gruffly, tapping his fingers on the edge of the desk impatiently.

The lady quickly types something into the computer before saying, "Yes, she's on floor three, room 62."

Reece immediately turns and starts towards the elevator, not bothering to thank the lady. I hurry after him, stepping into the elevator right behind him. I look up at him once I step inside, seeing his face set into a frown as he holds the door open for Anna and Liam. Once they are inside, he lets the door close and glances down at me.

"She'll be okay, Reece," I assure him softly. He doesn't say anything, but I see his shoulders relax slightly at my words.

The elevator doors open once we reach the third floor and we step out to go find Sophie's room. After a short walk, we find the right room and step inside. The first thing I see is the injured little girl laying in the hospital bed, the rest of her siblings and her parents surrounding her. Her left arm is held to her chest by a sling and there is a small bandage on her forehead.

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