Chapter Six - How To Build A Fort

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Layla's POV


Skipping up my front porch steps, I turn to lean my back against the front door with a lazy smile on my face. I reach up to tuck my hair behind my ear as I eye the bad boy before me, watching his slow steps bringing him closer towards me. With his hands tucked into his pockets, a small, dimpled smile playing on his lips, and a few strands of hair hanging loosely in front of his captivating turquoise eyes, he looks like the epitome of cute.

"Thank you for taking me home," I tell him honestly before adding with a grin, "And for buying me ice cream."

Reece shrugs, leaning against the banister, "Not a problem, Sunshine."

Raising an eyebrow at him teasingly, I reply, "You didn't have to walk me to my door, y'know?"

He breathes out a laugh that instantly brings a grin to my face, "I just wanted to make sure you weren't gonna fall over or anything, being half-drunk and all."

I roll my eyes with a scoff, "I'm not that drunk."

"You were pretty drunk at the party."

"Yeah, well, the ice cream must have sobered me up a little. I'm not that drunk anymore." I protest.

His little dimpled smile widens into something even more impossibly gorgeous. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Sunshine." He crosses his ankles as he leans back on the banister, head tilted slightly to the side as he watches me.

A smirk plays on my lips as I begin to turn around, "Only dreams of you." I unlock my front door before turning back to him to watch his head tilt back as a deep chuckle rumbles out of him. I bite down on my bottom lip, listening to the rich laugh ring through the night air.

"I'm flattered." His eyes twinkle under the porch lights, turquoise irises seeming to glow as if to light up my insides further.

"You should be." I tell him with a grin, toying with the sleeves of the large jacket I'm wearing. My eyes widen when I realize whose jacket it is. "I still have your jacket on!" I hurriedly shrug the leather material off my body, taking in one last breath of the leathery aroma mixed with Reece's cologne.

He takes it from me with a small smile, "Thanks."

"Thank you for letting me wear it." I counter, stepping inside my house but never taking my eyes off him.

He shakes his head, trying and failing to mask his grin, "Goodnight, Sunshine."

"Goodnight, Reece." I watch him as he walks back to his car, only shutting my front door when he has shut the car door with him safely inside. I lean back against my front door, a giddy smile on my face as I breathe in deeply. Tonight has been incredible.

The sound of soft pattering footsteps descending the stairs has me opening my eyes and I bend down to greet my Golden Retriever, Mack, with lots of cuddles.

"Hey, Mack. Did you miss me?" I giggle as he darts his tongue out to lick my cheek, scratching behind his ears just how he likes it.

"How was the party?" My dad's voice comes from the kitchen doorway and I look up to find him watching me with a small smile.

"It was good. Really good, actually." I tell him, although the party isn't what has me so happy. It's the impromptu ice cream outing and the leather-jacket-wearing bad boy that came along with it that won't let the smile drop from my face.

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