Pt 11. 2nd Fear The Lost boys

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"Your not really here, are you?" I counted the boys, 20 of them, but no Peter.

"No, The real Lost Boys are with Pan, we're just another fear of yours" lightning flashed.

Their eyes were now black voids. Just never ending darkness. Some had covered in blood with slashes on their necks, stomachs. Patches of their hair were torn out or matted down.

Some of their face were disfigured as well. Some of them had only one eye, others noses were broken, even some had only one ear. I had to hold back puke.

They smiled. Their teeth were yellow and black. Most of them were rotting and falling out, while some looked like it was punched or pulled out.

They had all been tortured.

Felix nodded his head down. I looked at my hands, they were covered in blood. The Lost Boys blood. I also had a knife in my hand. I dropped it and it clattered to the ground.

No no no no no

I tried wiping my hands on my jeans, but the blood had tried. It stuck to my hands like wet cloth clings to skin.


Thunder bolts cracked like a whip across the sky. It came down and struck a tree not 50 feet to my right. Sparks flew everywhere causing the tree that got struck and the trees around it to catch fire.

A piece of burning bark flew in the Lost Boys' direction. "Felix!" As I ran, I realized that my ankle was still twisted from what Chase did. I ran with a limp, that screamed at me to stop. I shoved Felix out of the way and got hit.

It felt like a match was lit and held against my face. There was going to be a scar there, for sure. My main concern now was to get the lost boys to safety.

A hand was placed on my shoulder. It was Felix. But it felt wierd, disoriented and rough. I looked over to him and nearly gagged.

He had burns all over his face and hands and any other visible skin. His cloak was torn and smoking. I looked over at the other lost boys. They were in the same condition as Felix, if not, worse.

"Save us" he coughed.


"Why... what are you.... afraid of us?" He coughed and it turned into hacking and spitting of blood.

"I'm not Felix" I could feel the smoke settling into my lungs, I tried to keep my breaths even, but I was ready to cry and cough out smut and the same time.

I realized that the only way to stop all of this was to face my fears. The only way to save the Lost Boys, real or not real, I had to face the monster that was chasing me. The only problem was finding the courage to do it.

"Felix" I said more firmer. He looked up at me, his eyes finally clear.

"I'm not afraid of you" I took a deep breath, but ended up swallowing smoke. "I afraid of losing you and the Lost Boys" I said through coughs.

I could hardly see any of them because of all the smoke. "I'm afraid because, even though we've only known each other for a few days, you guys are like, the best thing that has been given to me that is a family" "And I can't lose you, I won't lie to you, I need you guys"

The Boys emerged from the smoke and dust. They looked like themselves. Still dirty, bruised and a little bloody, but better. "We need you too" Felix wispered. They gathered into one big circle around me and Felix.

"Save us" they said in unison.

When I opened my eyes, they were gone. I felt an ache in my chest, because I wanted to see them, save and alive. The forest wasn't on fire anymore, and there wasn't any storm. The night was clear and the stars were magnificent.

"I've gotta get out of here" I said to myself.

"You've got to get past me first dearie"


I knew that voice. It was one that I wanted to avoid, I couldn't face him, because I didn't know what I was afraid of with him.

I turn got up slowly off the ground and turned.

"Peter" I wispered.

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