Pt 13. Escape

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The moon was floating above the water. At least, that's what it seemed like from afar.

I tried to go back to when Chase and I spied on the Lost Boys when they raided the pirates. I cringed a little at the memory. I quickly pushed the thought of him away. I have to focuus.

I could see really far. I also thought about how Peter was mad at me, when I made the sword out of a stick, or when I made the cloth appear to tend to my bleeding nose. The shadow also said that I have fire... I'm special...?

I certainly didn't feel that way. What if I had magic? I shook my head in disbelief. Not possible. Not a chance.

Hook and his crew docked on shore. He now stood on the beach, looking to the stars through a telescope. It's now or never.

I briskly walked up to him without making a sound. My next decision would  most likely get me killed, but it had to be done.

Before I could even open my mouth, he pulled out a sword, spins around on his heels and positions it to my throat. If I dare to move even a little, he would kill me.

"You? Your supposed to be-"

"In the dark forest?" I asked, finishing his sentence. He looked at me in disbelief.

"That doesn't matter now, I have something for you" I held my hands up to show him I won't hurt him. Slowly, I reach into my pocket to retrieve what the shadow had given me.

A magic bean.

"Where'd you get that?" He asked suspiciously.

"The shadow gave it to me"

"Why would-"

"Hook, I know you made a deal with him to kill me so you can get to Pan, but he's using you. The shadow only wanted to get rid of me... I'm not sure why, but now that he thinks I'm leaving, he'll kill you"

I paused to let all this information sink in. He lowered the sword and hesitated before speaking.

"If all this is true, then why are you here now, you have that bean, you can leave this cursed island"

"I want you to take it" I tossed him the bean. He dropped his sword and caught it with his only hand.

"Why? I tried to kill you. I almost killed you, why would you give me a way out?"

Hmm. Why did I give him the bean? I don't want to leave this place, but staying just seemed like the right choice... for now.

"I have my reasons. Now, take your crew and The Jolly Roger, and get out of here..."

He looked at the bean for a few moments, then nodded in agreement.

"Your not coming?" He asked when I started walking away.

"No, I just... have to stay..." he looked at me sadly.

"Don't feel sorry for me Cap'n, this is my choice" Again, he had nothing to say so I watched him climb to his ship along with his crew.

"And Captain......?" I called. He looked over the boats edge in my direction.

"Don't ever come back" I finished. He gave me a look that said I don't plan to.

I watched as the ship sailed towards the floating moon. Hook threw the bean into the ocean. A giant green swirling portal opened and sucked the pirate ship in and just like that, they were gone.

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