Pt. 12. 3rd Fear Peter..... Bellamy

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Emily's POV

"Yes dear, it's me, Peter Pan, the one and only!" He seemed to be having fun with this. Typical Peter. He bowed his head and the waist and smiled at me.

I took a few steps backward, but he raised his hands. Fire sparked all around us, causing us to be trapped in one big hole of trees, burning, and fear.

"No, that's not true, your not him" I shook my head. The real Peter was who knows where, with the Lost Boys.

"You're right, I'm not him, smart girl you are" he said calmly. I didn't know how to react. The only way to get out of here was to face my fear, but I didn't even know why I was afraid of him, or what I was afraid of when it came to him.

Sure, he could be ruthless and vicious, cruel and deceitful, but he cared about me. At the end of the day, he cared. Right?

I tried to look back at all those times he saved my life. Which he put in danger. I tried to remember the boy who looked scared for me, when I fell into that lake, the boy who held me until I fell asleep in his tent. The boy who got jealous because I had kissed Chase. Then he murdered him.

I always imagined Peter Pan when I would read stories about him, I always imagined him being the good guy, the hero who played games and music, who messed around with his Boys and pulled pranks on the pirates.

I shook my head furiously. No, Peter Pan was a monster, he would kill anyone or anything in a heartbeat to get his way, including his own Lost Boys. Including me.

But I still longed for him, still cared about him and the Lost Boys, even though I would never admit that out to them.

I guess I was afraid that they would leave me. I guess I've grown close to Peter and the Boys. I'm afraid that they'll leave me or hate me, then I will truly be alone in this world and the next. I'm afraid of hurting them, or lying to them, or showing then fear, because I'm always strong, I alway have to be.

Salvation Emily.

My nickname back home, because I was always saving myself. I always relied on me and only me. My parents hated me, I had no friends to stand up for me. I only had my stories and dreams of the boy with beautiful green eyes who would one day come to take me away.

I realized now, that I was running away, always running. I was either running from my fears, or living in them, without even trying to fight back. I was weak yet strong at the same time. I depended on me and only me. That's how it's always been.

But I never had the courage to slay my demons. I remember what my friend Bellamy once told me. He was my only friend, but he had to move away shortly after my 14th birthday. That was when I knew I was truly alone.

We went camping and we got lost in the woods. We fell asleep in a cave. Then the nightmares came. There were always something different. My parents, or bullies, me falling, or just someone chasing me.

I screamed myself awake only to find Bellamy holding me and telling me it's okay.

"Listen kid" he spoke gently after I had calmed down. "You need to be rid of your fears"

"How do I do that Bellamy?" The moonlight outlined his face and rough textures, he was maybe a year or so older than me. I could see his freckles, his dark hair, and concerned eyes.

"Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep"

We looked at each other for a long time until I had the courage to lean forward and press my lips to his. They were soft and tasted like vanilla, he was my best friend, and I would miss him terribly when he left.

"I'm sorry" I blurted after I broke the kiss. He leaned his forhead onto mine. We were both breathing a little hard from the lack of oxygen.

"I'm not" he wispered. Before I could even gasp, his lips smashed into mine, stealing my breathe. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"I'm love you Bellamy" I said between our needy kisses.

"I love you too Emily" he said back. That was my first kiss, with my first love, with my best friend, with my only friend.

I was always afraid. I was afraid that without Bellamy, I was weak, I even tried killing myself. I figured it's better late than never, time to conquer my fears. It was time to slay my demons. I owed that to Bellamy. To Peter. To the Lost Boys. To me.

I took a step forward towards Peter, but then I was falling, or it felt like the reality of falling. My throat was robbed of speech, so I couldn't scream.

I fell to the ground -Or at least I thought I did- with a hard thud. I had landed in my back with a CRUNCH/SNAP sound. I laid there, paralized, afraid that I mug have broken something and if I mkved, I could kill myself.

I twitched my fingers and shifted my feet. To my surprise, I was alive. I sat up slowly and put pressure on my ribs and back.

Nothing broken.

I got up to see that the twigs and branches broke my fall and that's what made the snapping noise.

I stood up and walked towards what looked like the entrance to the dark forest, the exit, to Neverland.

I nearly made it, then I heard a whoosh of a breeze blow past me. I froze in place with a sudden realization that I wasn't alone.

I quickened my pace to the exit only to be stopped my none other than the shadow of oblivion himself.

He had a snide and sinister smile that made me want to punch him and put as much distance as I could from him as possible at the same time.

"So, I see you've conquered all your fears, I'm impressed, nobody has ever been able to do that" he eyed me as if he knew something I didn't. It got agitating.

"If you've got something to say, spit it out" I've been put through enough games and torture to keep a lid on my patience pot.

He laughed and eyed me up and down, which caused me to shiver a little, but I did my best to hide my discomfort.

"No wonder Pan chose you to be his next whore victim, you've got so much fire in you, you have no idea"

"I'm not a whore!" I spit the word whore out, it tasted sour and bitter in my mouth, "I belong to nobody but myself"

The shadowed tsked, "It's too bad, Pan played some fun games, but you wouldn't be the first, so don't go thinking your anything special" he sneered.

"Me? Feeling special about an 18 year old boy, only wanting me to play his sickening games, for him to use me, then kill me? I'll try not to brag" I used as much sarcasm in my voice as I could muster, I just wanted out of this forest.

"Now, if we're done here..." I stepped off the the side, but the do shadow followed in sync.

"Get. Out of. My. Way" I stressed each word, I was done playing a game I didn't even ask to be in, in the first place.

He opened his palm and gestured for me to do the same. He closed my fingers over my hand when he dropped the small object into it.

"I suggest you use this wisely" he wispered into my ear.

He put a firm hand in my back and shoved me forward, onto Neverlands soil. No more dark forest for me. Ever.

I looked to see what he had rewarded me with for passing his fear test.

"Wow" I muttered.

I stood up, and began walking towards the shore.

There was a certain pirate ship I had to see. With a certain pirate I had to speak with.

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