Pt. 5

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Emily's POV

It was freezing. I woke up, expecting to be next to Peter, but instead I was on the ground. I got up to see that it was snowing. I was in the woods in my tank top, jeans, and combat boots.

I took a breath. I could see it. At this rate, I was going to freeze to death.

"Hello?" I called out. It was daylight out, but I was all alone. I turned around to see a dark figure standing only a few feet away from me.

Peter's POV

I put a magic enchantment on her. Now Emily was hallucinating in the forest, as her punishment. The lost boys laughed because she couldn't see us, she stumbled around through the woods while we followed close behind.

I pulled Felix, my second in command, back to speak with him.

"She's got magic Felix"

He chuckled, "That's what you say about all of them Pan"

"I'm serious. She made that sword, she made cloth appear for her bleeding nose, she could be dangerous"

"We'll keep a close eye on her" Felix reassured.

"Hello?" She called out, snapping my attention back to her. She turned around, for a moment I thought she was looking at me. Her eyes widened in horror, she back up against a tree. She paused for a few moments, tears forming in her eyes. She screamed then ran.

Emily's POV

The figure had glowing yellow eyes. I backed up against a tree when it came forward.

"Your not going to last girl" the shadow mocked into my ear. "He's going to get rid of you, because you are only a toy in his games" he laughed into my ear.

"What do you want from me" I wispered.

He chuckled, "your shadow" his voice dropped to a wisper, the he said, "run".

I felt a piercing pain in my back. I screamed then ran as fast as I could. I kept running until I tripped and fell down a hill.

I got up as fast as I could and kept running. I slowed to a stop when I came across a frozen lake. I heard a twig snap behind me. I yelped and ran out onto the lake. I whipped around to see Peter and The Lost Boys. But it wasn't them, these Boys were Demons.

Peter's POV

The ice was cracking beneath her. I couldn't flash over to her because it could break the ice even more. She held up her hands to protect herself.

"Please, please, just leave me alone" she pleaded. I stepped closer, she stepped back. Her eyes looked clouded and foggy.

"Look, we won't hurt you, just come back alright" Felix calmly said.

I stepped closer. "No!" She screamed. "Just leave me alone!"tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Emily" I said calmly. She moved her attention to me. "I'm coming over now okay? I won't her you" I took another step.

The ice cracked beneath her. She squinted at me, as if she was trying to figure me out. Her eyes cleared and softened.

"Peter?" She said softly. "Yes, yes it's me" I replied back to her. She was about to speak again, but the ice broke beneath her, and she fell in.

We all went over to her as fast as we could.

"Not so many people on the ice! It could break at any moment!" I called back to the boys. I put my hands through the water. It was freezing. I felt her arms and practically yanked her out of there.

She coughed out water and shivered in my arms. I transported all of us back to camp. She collapsed and was ice cold.

"Can't you take the water away?" Chase came up to me and asked. I glared at him and he backed down. "The water in that lake is enchanted, she has to dry on her own" I created the fire with magic.

"Stay with her and keep her warm, I'll be right back" I instructed him to take his cloak off. He did, and put it around her.

"Th- Thanks" she tried to speak. I put my arms around her. "I'll be right back" I wispered.

"O- Okay"

Emily's POV

Chase sat down with me next to the fire. He put his arms around me and held my hands in his. "Thanks Ch- Chase". He blushed.

"I'll knew that y-you guys cared about me, that P-Peter cared about me" I murmured.

"Peter?" He asked looking at me sideways.

"Yeah, the sh-shadow said that he would get rid of me when he was done with me, that Peter didn't c-care about me, that I was just another toy in his games" I explained.

He looked at the dirt.

"Hey, that's not t-true is it?" He wouldn't look at me.

"Chase, tell m-me that's n-not true" he stayed silent.

I looked out into the fire.

"Did he do that to me-e? Did he cause the ha-hallucinations to punish me?" my voice was as hard as it could be while I was drying from the cold.

"I'm sorry" tears formed in his eyes. "I'm tried to reason with him, but he did this to me" he pushed his hair out of his right eye. He had a black eye that was swollen shut. "Chase!" I put my hands on his cheeks and inspected his eye.

"It's alright, I'm fine" he tried to push my hands away. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back.

"I'm sorry Chase" I buried my face I to his neck.

Peter's POV

I was just walking back until I stopped and saw Emily with her face buried into Chase's neck.

I felt and pang of anger and.... jealousy? They pulled away from each other, I was about to walk in, until he leaned in and kissed her, he pulled away quickly.

Emily was surprised but kissed him back. She smiled and they spoke a few words to each other. I had enough, I practically stormed into camp, causing them to turn towards me.

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