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I tossed the phone on the bed, not turning around.

I could hear Sam and Dean trying to talk to me, but I was in the middle of a situation.

I reached inside of blazer that I had worn, grabbing a small knife out of the pocket.

I don't usually wear blazers, but with me having to look like a teacher this, morning, I had to.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Are you scared?"
Mocked the demon.

He didn't know it, but I wanted him to talk so I could tell where he was. This was going to be difficult, considering I couldn't look at him.

I chuckled. "Of your sorry ass? Hardly."

I quickly spun around, my eyes closed, and swung the knife. Between feeling the knife cut through something and his hiss, I knew I had hit him.

"You fucking bitch," he said, only this time his voice was behind me.

Again, I turned around, my eyes closed.

"You're gonna have to try a lot harder if you want to hurt me with words, hon. And I already knew I was a bitch, but thanks for the reminder," I said.

"I'm gonna kill you," said the demon.

I charged, swinging the knife only for it to hit air. I decided I wasn't a fan of fighting with my eyes closed.

Before I could try for another strike, I was punched and thrown back onto the floor.

I landed face first on the carpet, the impact enough to make my nose bleed.

Taking the opportunity, I opened my eyes. A couple drops of blood were on the carpet, which I knew was going to be a pain to get out later.

Footsteps signaled that he walked closer, only to stop at the sound of the impala pulling up.

Silence filled the room, so I turned and hurled the knife in the direction of where the demon would have been.

Just as I threw it, I heard the door fly open.

"Har- oh shit!" I heard Sam say, followed by the thud of the knife hitting the wall.

I opened my eyes, looking around. The demon was gone.

And in the door frame, three inches away from Sam's head was the knife.

"Sorry. Thought he was there. Can't exactly look at the fucker," I said as I got up, only to get a head rush.

My lip stung from where it was busted, and blood still oozed from my nose. All I could smell was copper.

"Woah, are you okay?" Sam asked, walking towards me.

I nodded as I made my way over to the couch. "Yeah. It's just been a hot minute since I was thrown across the room by a demon. I'm just a little lightheaded, and that's the worst of it."

Sam walked over to me anyway, and Dean unstuck the knife, closing the door.

"The blood on this yours or his?" Dean asked, holding up the knife.

"His. Got a cut in before he figured out my tactic. That whole not being able to look thing got old real fast," I said.

Taking a second to look down at my clothes, I realized that there were blood drops all over my shirt and blazer.

I shrugged. "Never liked wearing these anyway."

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Sam asked, his kindness making me smile.

"Uh, the keys to my truck are in the side of my bag. Floorboard passenger side, there's a small duffle. Can you go it please? I need to get out of these damn clothes," I said.

"Sure," Sam said, walking over to the small table where my bag was, digging the keys out of the side pocket.

In less than a minute, he was back with my bag.

I thanked him, then went in the bathroom to change and see what I could do to stop the bleeding.

After about 8 minutes, I walked out in a clean pair of clothes, my nose no longer bleeding.

I had on a pair of blue jeans, a plain red t-shirt with an army green jacket over it, and a pair of white converse that I had owned for a while. My long, light blonde hair was neatly brushed and tucked behind my ears.

I caught Sam looking at me, and he instantly looked away, a very light blush forming on my cheeks.

I mean, no one could deny it- that man was hot.

"All right. Who's ready to kill this son of a bitch?"

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