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"Nisha?!" He said, shock written on his face.

Looking around, Gabe realized who I was with.

"And the Winchesters?"

I rolled my eye, getting up to hug him.

"Nice to see you to, Gabe," I said.

"How exactly are you here? On earth? With the Winchesters?"

"Here, it's easier to show you. I've already had to explain it once," I said, placing my hand on the side of his head, my eyes lighting up as I showed him my memories.

"Well. And now good'ol Dean wants to make sure you're who you say you are. Yeah, in case you haven't figured it out, he's got some real trust issues," said Gabe.

Dean rolled his eyes.

"Harlow, if you don't mind me asking, why are you and Gabriel still close?" Asked Castiel.

"I was the only guy who fought with her," said Gabe.

"He didn't ask you," said Sam.

"Sam, it's okay. And Castiel , what Gabe said is true. Out of all my brothers, he was the only one who tried to help me. He didn't try to imprison me."

"Well, isn't this just a jolly family reunion," said Dean.

Jack smiled. "I think it's cool that I have an aunt now."

I smiled at Jack. He was sweet and kind, proving that your parents don't make you who you are.

Turning to Gabriel, I cleared my throat. "Well, you can go back to whatever paradise island you were on."

"And miss my sisters first few days back in the world? Not a chance," he said.

"Uh, Gabriel? Now's not exactly a good time," said Sam.

"What Sam means to say is please leave. Besides, we all know you love yourself a paradise," said Dean, surprising me that he actually said 'please'.

Gabriel looked from me to everyone else in the room, then shrugged.

"Okay. Don't have to tell me again."

"Bye," Jack said, giving a small wave just before Gabriel left, that flapping of wings following him.

I turned to Dean. "There. Now you know that I'm telling the truth."

Dean gave a solemn nod, and part of me thought that there was a trace of respect in it as well. He then walked out the door, off to go do who knows what. And I hoped it wasn't drinking. His liver and kidneys had to be worth shit at this point in his life.

"Harlow, I would like it if we could talk later. I'd like to hear from someone else who's watched the world go by," said Castiel.

I nodded. "I think we can do that."

Castiel then left, Jack following, leaving Sam and I alone in the room yet again.

"So. What are you going to do now? Where are you going to go?" Asked Sam.

I shrugged. "Well, something tells me Dean is still gonna want to keep an eye on me for a while, and Castiel still wants to talks. That and his honestly, I wouldn't exactly mind having to stay around you for a little while longer," I said, looking down and slightly mumbling the last part.

Sam chuckled. "I think it'd be nice to have you around. Not to mention that you're pretty badass."

I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Sorry- I'm a little tired," I said.

"Let me guess," said Sam. "Because you're bonded to the body you need to eat and sleep?"

I nodded. "It's nice to have someone catching on."

Sam laughed lightly. "Well, I'll let you get some rest then. We'll all talk when you wake up, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan," I said as I kicked my shoes off and laid down on the bed, getting under the cover.

Sam smiled, then walked out, lightly closing the door behind him.

He really is a unique human.

Smiling, I couldn't help but hunk about Sam before falling asleep.

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