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I sat in my truck, following the impala down the high way.

We had finished the hunt, killing the demon and leaving the Wampus Cat with her land.

I had resigned from my position as substitute, using the excuse that I no longer felt safe since the body of the previous professor had been discovered.

Now, we were headed to the supposed "bunker" where Sam and Dean lived.

Much to Dean and I'd surprise, Sam had invited me to come and look at some of the old lore books there, partially so I could help them makes sense of some of the supposed creatures and do a history check.

I hadn't said yes right away, knowing that Dean was still wary of me, and instead had talked to Dean about it.

After a further discussion about my past, a call to Garth, and the fact I had helped them kill the thing, Dean finally opened up to me, saying that I could come check out the books for a while.

We had been on the road all night, only taking stops for a bathroom and caffeine.

The sun had started to rise, covering the plains of Kansas in its pinkish-yellow hue.

About an hour later, Dean turned onto a barely visible road, but I could see a gray building through the trees.

They stopped outside of a doorway that was right in the side of the hill, and I parked my car behind them.

Grabbing my bag, I hopped out of the truck and shoved the keys in my pocket, looking at the building.

"You guys live in an old electrical plant?" I asked, a little confused.

Sam chuckled. "No, that's just part of the disguise."

Dean walked over towards the door, going down the few steps then turning to look back at me.

"Trust me, it's way better on the inside. A little old school, but better."

I shrugged, walking over to him and Sam.

Dean opened the door, walking in and going down yet another set of stairs.

Sam gestured for me to go first, and I gave him a quick thanks and followed Dean.

The closer I got to actually going inside the place, the more a feeling inside of me grew.

Brushing it off as excitement, I stepped off the last stair walked through the other door that had been opened by Dean.

The door lead to a balcony that went halfway around what appeared to be a war room. A wide opening gave me a straight line of sight through the library and to a telescope.

As I went down what I hoped to be the last set of stairs, the feeling in me swelled. A flash of pain went to my head, and I grimaced a little.

"Cas, Jack- meet Harlow. She's the one we told you about on the phone," said Sam, looking to the two people who were in the library.

One appeared to be the same age as Sam and Dean, while the other looked to be about eighteen.

The younger's eyes were lit up an amber color, several books floating around him.

I hissed in pain as something inside me snapped, clutching my head.

"Harlow? Are you okay?" Asked Sam, stepping next to me.

"No," I said weakly. Something inside me had broken free, and it felt like it was tearing me apart.

My bag slipped out of my hand as I began to wobble on my feet.

My legs gave out, and Sam caught me.

I looked up at him to see his mouth moving, although I couldn't hear what he was saying.

My eyes grew heavy, and I tried to fight whatever was causing this and stay awake.

But unfortunately, it won.

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