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I walked over to the bed, sitting down and leaning against the headboard.

"Are you okay?" Asked Sam.

I sighed. "It's just- as weird as it sounds, in a way I'm having an identity crisis."

Using my powers, I made silver swirls of light appear around my fingers, watching them peacefully dance.

Sam was watching, eyes glued to the little rays of light.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, you did just remember everything after being a human for years, so it makes sense that you would be having an identity crisis," said Sam.

I looked over to him, the light around my fingers fading away.

"Not really, but thanks for the effort. I know I was Harlow, but now I'm Nisha, the first archangel, which makes me feel like I should forget about being human. But the whole point was so I could be human, and it's all just so confusing, even to someone who's been around since shortly after the dawn of time," I said.

Sam gave a light chuckle, a sound that made me want to smile.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing. I just find it that what sounds to be the most powerful angel in existence is having an identity crisis," said Sam.

I chuckled, smiling. "Hey, you try being one person for a while, then remembering who you are and tell me how that feels."

"Actually, I kinda have been through that," said Sam.

"What? How? There's got to be a story behind this," I said, shifting so that my entire body was facing him.

Sam chuckled. "Oddly enough, it involves Lucifer."

I shrugged. "Shocker. He tends to be a pain in the ass."

Sam nodded. "For starters, I'm his true vessel. The only reason I said yes was to trap him back in the cage."

"Wait, how'd you get him back in the cage? I'm pretty sure he hates that place more than he hates Michael," I said.

Sam shrugged. "I took my body back. Seeing my fists beat Dean to pulp gave me enough strength that I took over. I used the rings of the horsemen, and opened the cage, jumping in. A little late, Cas grabbed me and got me out. Long story short, I didn't have a soul for a while, so after I got it back I kinda had an identity crisis. Not to mention that I went a little crazy."

"Holy shit. That's incredible. Wait, the shoving my brother in the backseat, not really everything else," I said.

"Funny thing is, those were the easier days," Sam said. "But that's not the point. You said it yourself- you were Harlow. Was any of that set by you, or was that just you?"

"It was me- just a human version. I didn't change anything about myself except for locking away my powers and memory," I said.

"Okay. Then it sounds like you're still Harlow. Regardless of the name you choose to use, you're still you," said Sam.

I smiled. "You're right."

Sam gave a small smile back. "So, what name do you think you're gonna go with?"

"Harlow. It's who I am. That and in my opinion, I have one of the weirdest angel names," I said, chuckling at the last part.

Sam was about to say something when Dean barged in, Castiel right behind him.

"Dean, no. I believe her-"

Dean cut Castiel off. "Cas, I know you believe and trust her. But I don't. So this is happening."

Castiel looked at me with eyes that relayed the message I'm sorry.

"You. Whatever the hell your name is. Put these on. Now," Dean said, throwing a pair of handcuffs that had enochian symbols on them.

I don't know why I did, but I looked over to Sam.

"Dean, what the hell? We've been more trusting with worse," said Sam.

"Back off Sammy. What makes you think she hasn't been lying to us this entire time, huh? And the whole thing about being the biggest secret?! That sounds like a load of bullshit!" Said Dean.

"Dean, calm down, you're clearly a little drunk," said Sam, who was now standing up, trying to walk over to his brother.

"What did I tell you?" Said Dean, pointing to me with an angel blade that he seemed to have gotten from nowhere. "Put them on!"

"Okay, I will. There's no need the yell. If you don't trust me, I'll just have to do what I can to get you to," I said calmly as I put on the handcuffs.

"Harlow, you don't have to-" Castiel started to say, only to get a glare from Dean.

"Although, if you want me to be honest, which I will be, I can break out of these easily," I said.

"Then take them off! It's stupid, don't you see Dean?" Sam said, trying to put some sense into his brother.

"Fine. If those cuffs won't work, then you'll just have to stay in the dungeon until someone can verify who you really are," Dean said, slurring his speech.

I sighed. "Fuck it," I said, breaking the handcuffs.

Just as I was about to heal Dean and get the alcohol out of his system, he tried to stab me with the angel blade, which sunk in, hurting, but doing no physical damage.

"Shit, are you okay?!" Asked Sam before shooting a glare at his brother.

I looked down at the blade, then pulled it out of my chest. There wasn't even a drop of blood on it. The wound healed immediately.

"Alright, let's try this again," I said as I waved my hand over Dean, the usual silver glow coming from it.

He blinked, shaking his head.

"What the hell?" He asked.

"You drank an excessive amount of whiskey," said Castiel. "And then became very cautious about Nisha."

"What's going on?" Asked Jack, who was now standing in the doorway.

"It's okay. Dean just lost it for a few minutes," said Sam.

Dean looked at me. "I'm not exactly going to apologize. I don't trust you, or your story. Until you get someone else here to verify it, I'll be watching you. And I will figure out how to kill you if I have to," he said.

I chuckled, getting a weird look from everyone.

"The one guy who can verify it tends to be a comedic pain in the ass, but if it's what you want, then fine. I'll summon him," I said.

"Oh no," said Sam, who instantly realized who I was talking about.

Focusing, I found the frequency I was looking for, sending a message.

Seconds later, there was a flap of wings.

I turned, seeing my favorite little brother for the first time in a millennia- Gabriel.

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