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"You're telling me that you were stuck in your own personal Groundhog Day?" I asked Sam as I pulled into the parking lot of a small motel, parking next to the Impala.

"Yeah, all thanks to your brother," Sam said.

Turning the truck off, I chuckled. "Gonna have to be more specific. But judging by the irony of it all, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it was Gabriel."

"Bingo," he said as we climbed out of the truck, grabbing our stuff.

"Wow," I said as I began to walk towards the office, the others following me.

"Alright, who's going where?" Asked Dean.

"Jack and Cass can stay with me if they want to. Give you two a chance to have a room to yourselves," I said.

"Are you sure?" Asked Sam.

Dean turned to his brother. "Sam, shut up. She said she'd take them for a night. Not that you guys area burden, but its's weird to think that you guys watch me sleep."

"It's fine. I can stay with Harlow while we're here," said Cass.

Sam turned to Cass. "As long as it's okay with Harlow, I don't mind bunking with her if you want to be with Dean."

Castiel gave an awkward glance to Dean, and i could see a very light blush appear on Dean's cheeks, which surprised me.

One would think that a man like Dean would do every thing to hide his emotions. And while Dean usually did, I had noticed that he didn't try as hard to around Cass.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I don't care who does what at this point- I'm getting a two bed room. You guys can figure out who's going where," I said as I opened the door and walked up to the counter, paying for a room.

The woman at the counter handed me my key, and as I turned around to walk out to my room, I brushed against Sam.

When our eyes met as I turned to apologize, it seemed as though time stopped.

The light that was coming in through the window was hitting his face perfectly, illuminating his hazel eyes, making the many colors in them stand out while also appearing as though his eyes were golden rings of fire.

His long hair was neatly tucked behind his ears, exposing his sharp jawline the was covered in a short stubble.

The way he looked at me made it seem as though he was studying my features as well.

But that didn't matter. All I could focus on was his eyes and how unique they were. I had never seen anything like them, nor had I met anyone like him.

Time caught up, and the world around me came into view.

"Sorry," I blurted out before going outside to find my room.

Once I found it, I put the key in the lock, turning it and opening the door.

Walking in, I closed the door behind me and took a chance to survey the room.

A layer of shaggy, old, evergreen carpet covered the floor, the occasional stain dotting it here and there.

Two beds were up against the left wall, a single mahogany nightstand between them.

A corduroy couch sat across from the bed, the mahogany coffee table match the nightstand.

The bathroom entrance was in the middle of the back, a long counter holding a sink tucked into the remaining space of the back wall.

I sighed, walking over to the bed that was closest to the front windows, throwing my bag down on the floor and flopping down on the bed.

Looking over to make sure the curtains were closed and that no one could see into the room, I began to mess with my power.

Watching the silver lights swirl around my hand, I wondered what I could really do.

I had never gotten the chance to figure out how strong I was, which was the main reason why my brothers; excluding Gabriel of course, beat me in the first place.

I knew I could do amazing things, things that other angels couldn't. But I didn't know what those were.

Realistically, the only thing that I felt connected me to them was that I had wings like they did.

A knock on the door shook me from my thoughts, the silver lights quickly going away.

"Coming," I said as I got up and walked over it the door, opening it.

Sam stood there, alone.

"You my bunk mate?" I asked, chuckling.

"Yeah, and it's just me. That is if you're okay with it, I don't want to intrude or anything," Sam said.

I smiled. "Sam, it's really okay. But thanks for asking. Not very many guys would do that these days."

Sam sighed, relieved as he gave a small smile. "Sorry about it just being me- even after what he said, Dean decided to take Cass and Jack in his room. As weird as it sounds for him, I think he's trying to set us up."

I chuckled. "Dean? Trying to set me, the angel he didn't trust, up with his brother? You gotta admit, that's a little funny."

"Yeah, it kinda is."

I walked over to my bed, sitting down.

"So, any idea where the demons may be?" I asked.

"Not yet, but they'll show up soon. Can you not sense them?" He asked, curious.

I sighed, my mind going back to what I was thinking about earlier. "I don't know what feeling they give off. The shedim were completely different, plus I couldn't use my powers there," I said, pausing. "I don't even know what I can do. I know I'm different and more powerful, but I don't know how."

Sam sat down on the bed across from me, the old springs in the mattress creaking as he did so. "Sorry. That's gotta be frustrating. But hey, you can learn it all now. Get to know what makes you different."

I was about to say something in return, but the sound of sirens coming down the road outside the motel caught my attention.

Walking over to the window, I moved the curtains, looking out. Sam stopped next to me, his body just inches from mine.

Five police cars flew down the road, followed by two ambulances.

"Sam, I believe that would be our demons."

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