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Sam, Dean and I all went to the scene while Cass and Jack stayed behind in the motel room.

I was sitting in the back of the Impala, wondering why the demons chose this town.

My small messengers bag was in the floor board next to my pair of black boots that had some heels on them. I didn't want to put the heels on until I had too.

I was currently wearing the rest of my outfit- black dress pants with a white button-up shirt. The top button was undone, and the sleeves were rolled up to just under my elbows. I had it tucked into my pants, a black leather belt keeping it in place.

Sam and Dean had on the same suits that they were wearing when I first met them.

"Hey Harlow?" Asked Dean, glancing back at me in the rear view mirror.

Looking up, my eyes met his through the reflection.

"Hmm?" I said.

"What you got in that bag?"

I chuckled at Dean's curiosity.

Leaning down, I grabbed the bag and flipped it open, grabbing my fake FBI I.D. out of its respective little slot.

I tossed it up to Sam, who made a small jump when it landed in his lap.

"Forensic Specialist?" He read of the badge.

"Yeah. Again, I usually work the weird ones, so I need a good cover for thoroughly looking around a scene and the body. I've got some rubber gloves, a couple things I actually use, as well as somethings that make me look more official in that bag," I said.

"You had that bag before you remembered, so how do you know so much about forensics?" Asked Sam, turning as he handed me the badge back.

"It was my first idea as a major. Finished a semester then realized that historical myths and folklore were more my style. But I did pick up a thing or two," I said, chuckling at the last part.

"Angel or not, you're just a jack of all trades, aren't you?" Said Dean.

"Something like that," I murmured to myself.

"Alright, I've got a question," Sam said.

I looked at him, smiling although he couldn't see it.


"Why folklore and mythology? And even after you remembered, you were reading that book on The History of Vampires and their Respective Myths. What about this stuff got your attention?" He asked.

I looked out the window of the car, the blur of trees and brush going by as Dean drove.

It was a good question, but I didn't feel like telling them that part of my life yet.

"Its... related to a personal matter. Involves things I don't really like to talk about," I said, lightly dismissing the topic.

"Oh- sorry, I didn't mean to-" Sam said.

"It's fine. You didn't know," I said.

Dean turned onto the road where the warehouse we were going to was located, other old concrete buildings lining the sides.

If we didn't already now which one it was, the flashing blue and red police lights would have given it away.

Dean parked on the street, and I sighed, slipping on the boots and slinging the messenger bag over my shoulder.

The three of us got out of the car and walked up to the yellow crime scene tape, greeting a local officer.

"Folks, this is an active crime scene, so please step away," the officer said kindly.

It was a man in his fifties, his dark brown hair streaked with grey. His eyes were kind, but by looking at him I knew he had seen a lot in his life.

Sam and Dean held up their fake badges, while I began to get mine out of the bag.

"Agents Ford and Holland," said Dean. "Here to assess the severity of the crime and see if it relates to any of our current cases."

The officer nodded. "And what about you, Miss?"

I handed him my badge, and he looked at it, analyzing every part of it.

"Forensic Specialist? Didn't know that was a thing. Why'd they send you with these two?" He asked, his voice scratchy and weary.

Sam chuckled. "She's here to look at the details and help us make our decision."

"Just following the directions that were given to me," I said.

The officer shrugged, then held up the tape, letting us walk under.

The three of us walked into the large warehouse, and the second I took a step in I instantly felt a little weak.

"Harlow? Are you okay?" Asked Sam, visibly concerned.

"Mhmm. Angel warding. Didn't expect it, so it caught me off guard," I said, looking around as I leaned against the wall for momentary support.

Some warding couldn't be seen by the human eye, but I could see them.

Small sigils were scribbled about the place, but there was a strong one somewhere that was affecting me.

"There. That's the problem," I said, pointing to a steel column that was near the bodies.

"Where on it?" Asked Sam. He had already figured out that I wouldn't be able to walk over there and take care of it, and it sounded like he was going to.

"Eye level for Dean and facing us. You'll be able to smudge it with your hand," I said.

While Sam walked over to the column and took care of the warding, I began to move around, making it look like I was doing what they thought I was here to do.

When the affect of the sigil disappeared from me, I turned to Sam, giving him a small smile and mouthing the words 'thank you'.

"Alright then," Dean said, turning to me. "Let's get it work."

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