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My eyes flew open, power surging through my body.

I quickly sat up, flinging my legs over the side of the bed, aware of the soul on the on the other side of the room.

"Harlow! You're awake. Dean! She's awake!" He yelled.

I still had the memories of my 'human' life, so I knew the name of this soul.


I heard the door open, and felt the presence of another soul.


"Harlow? You okay?" Asked Dean.

Then I remembered what had caused my transition to what I really was in the first place.

Rage filled me.

"Where is he?" I hissed.

"What? Where's who?" Asked Sam.

I stood up and spun around in the flash of an eye, only for the expressions on both men to change dramatically.

"What the-"

"Where are you holding him?" I asked.

"Harlow, who are you talking about?" Sam asked, taking a few steps towards me.

"I said, where is he?!" I my forearm flat against Sam's chest, pushing him back with ease.

His back hit the wall with a thump, and he coughed as the wind was knocked out of him.

Dean started to charge at me, but with a wave of my hand, he was stuck sitting in a chair.

Sam tried to move, but he couldn't.

"What the hell?!" How are you doing this? What are you?!" Yelled Dean.


My head shot towards the source of the voice, only to see the young boy standing in the hallway, his eyes glowing.

I let Sam and Dean go.

"You. It was you that triggered it. Not him." I said, taking a deep breath as I realized he wasn't here.

Sam was coughing, so I waved my hand, a silver light emitting from it as I healed whatever damage I may have caused.

"I'm sorry. I thought Lucifer was here," I said, feeling bad for what I had done to them.

"Lucifer?" Asked a gravelly voice from the hallway.

I turned my head to look at who it came from, only to recognize it.

"Castiel," I said.

"Hold up. Who the hell are you, what are you, what's your deal with Lucifer, and how do you know Cass?" Asked Dean.

"My name- my true name - is Nisha. And I am the first," I said.

"The first what? And what did you do to Harlow?" Asked Sam.

I looked into his hazel eyes.

"The first angel."

"No. Michael was the first," said Castiel.

"That's what dad and the archangels would have you believe. I am the biggest secret they've ever kept."

All eyes were on me, and I could tell that they were all confused, as well as not fully believing me.

"And as for Harlow... well, I am Harlow. But that will get explained here soon," I said.

"What's your deal with my father?" Asked the child.

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