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A few days passed, all of which I was strictly confined to the bunker by Dean.

It wasn't all that bad, either.

Castiel- who had told me that I could call him Cass- and I talked about time and how the world was shaped by people, all of whom were different.

Jack had asked for help with his powers, which I know he didn't need, but I enjoyed helping him.

I'm pretty sure Dean had started to warm up to me as well- he wasn't as much as dick as he used to be around me, which I believed as a sign of improvement.

Also over the course of the past few days, Sam and I had gotten to know each other better.

We had talked about pretty much anything- childhood, how horrible high school was, even some of the craziest cases we've ever done.

Now, I was sitting in one of the old chairs of the library, a book on historical mythology on the table in front of me.

Sam was across from me, looking at his laptop. I was also aware that he would occasionally sneak a glance at me.

And every time he would, a small smile would make its way to my lips, as well as a light blush forming on my cheeks.

When I looked up from the book, Sam's eyes were scanning over some news website, taking in whatever information was being handed to him.

"Omens," he muttered to himself, grabbing a pen and paper, scribbling things down.

"What?" I asked.

"Demon omens. Looks like we have a case. Dean, Cas! Jack!" Sam yelled.

I sighed, closing the book. I had a feeling that it was going to still be confined here, and if they all went, then I would be alone.

Being alone was something that I didn't exactly work well with. Yes, the Shedim were there in the cage with me. But when they were done doing what they wanted to me, they all crept away, leaving me in the dark corner alone.

"You find a case?" Asked Dean as he walked in, Cass right behind him.

Jack was a few seconds behind, happily munching from a bowl of cereal in his hand.

"Yeah- demons in Colorado. And by the severity of the omens, they're either a lot or a handful of crossroad leaders," said Sam.

Dean nodded. "Alright. Everyone go get their things together and meet in the garage in ten minutes."

"What about Harlow?" Asked Sam.

"Yes, she could help with demons," said Cass.

Jack looked over to Dean, eyes shining with hope.

Dean glanced to them. "I said everyone. Of course she's coming. Not that we aren't capable, but I'll take more firepower when I can get it."

With that, he walked off to go pack, the others doing the same. I put the book back in its place on one of the many shelves, making a mental note to come back to it later.

Going to the room I was staying in, I grabbed my bag, throwing pairs of clothes in it.

The other day, with a snap of my fingers, I had brought some things here from the apartment that I had back in West Virginia.

Placing one of my guns, silver knife, an angel blade, as well as a few other things on top of the clothes, I zipped up the bag, slinging it over my shoulder.

Even with my powers as an archangel, I felt better having the weapons with me. I guess those hunter instincts never went away, even through my transition.

Closing the door behind me, I walked through the hallway and to the garage, where Dean and Cass were already standing.

Dean was facing me, while Cass had his back towards me. I could see a genuine smile on Dean's face, Cass making him happy.

I gave a small smile at the thought of the two. They were polar opposites, but they sure as hell made it work, whether they would admit they were together or not.

"Question," I said, speaking up. "Are we all riding in your car?"

Dean shook his head. "Nah, you can drive your truck. It'll be cramped if we all ride in the Impala."

Nodding, I walked over to my truck, opening the door and throwing my bag in.

Sam and Jack then walked in the garage, putting their stuff in the trunk of the car.

Sam turned to see me leaning against my truck, then walked over to Dean, talking quietly.

Dean shrugged, then got in the car.

Instead of getting into the car with his brother, he went to the trunk of the Impala, grabbing a backpack, then closing it before walking over to me.

"If you don't mind, I figured I'd keep you company. The drive isn't long, but I know it can get boring on your own," he said, giving me a warm smile.

I smiled back, a light blush on my cheeks. "I wouldn't mind that at all."

We both hopped in the old truck. Sam placed his bag in the floorboard by his feet, while I moved mine to the middle seat between us.

Turning the key, the engine roared to life over that of the Impala's, and I began to follow Dean out of the garage, making our way towards Colorado.

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