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"You sure they're in there?" Asked Dean.

I nodded. "You have two other angels to back me up on this."

It had been a day since Sam, Dean, and I had gone to the warehouse to see if it was demons who had done the killings, and we had known for sure after I found sulfur on the bodies.

Now, we were back in the warehouse district, a mile or so down from the one where the bodies had been found.

The five is us stood outside, a soft rain gently falling to the ground.

Sam, Dean, and Cass all had angel blades, while Jack and I were empty handed, both of us knowing that we had our powers.

"Alright then. Let's go," Dean said as he slowly opened one of the side doors, making sure it wouldn't creak.

We all snuck in, quietly walking around looking for the demons.

When I heard talking from a room, I froze, signaling for the others to stop as well.

Pointing, Dean gave the signal for us to go in, making sure we all understood.

"Who should we k- what the hell?" Said me of the demons as he saw us.

I was in between Cass and Jack, while Sam and Dean were in front of us.

My eyes scanned the demons, watching their every move. But what they did surprised me.

Instead of sweeping us all to the side, they each pulled a gun out of their suit jacket.

When one fired, reflexes I didn't know I had kicked in.

Time slowed down, and the bullet traveled through the air like a paper plane.

I watched were it was going, only to see it heading straight towards Sam, who like Dean, was ducking out of the way.

In this slow pocket of time, his long hair was floating as he tried to drop to the ground.

Grabbing the bullet, time took its place back as it should be.

I hissed dropping it. "Holy oil and angel blade metal!"

The demons' eyes widened, and they all waved their hands sending us all flying back.

I landed right next to Sam, so close that our arms were touching.

I moved my head, looking to see Jack's eyes light up as he tried to break free, but it was no use- there were simply to many demons holding him back.

Seven stood before us, each with their own gun.

"Well, well, well! Looks like the Winchesters have a new angel toy! Although, I'm not so sure she is an angel. I've never seen one do what you just did little miss," one of them said.

Another agreed, nodding. "Not to mention that you look... different. You aren't just driving that body, it's yours."

I scoffed. "You think this can hold us?" Said Dean, fighting against their hold.

These demons were stronger than the regular ones, but they weren't necessarily at the top of the hierarchy.

"Yes, we do. And we're gonna kill you one by one. Well, all of you except the boy and whatever the hell she is. Lucifer will love to see his son and find out what makes that one tick."

"You leave her alone,"  Sam said through clenched teeth, his hand lightly brushing mine.

"Oh, looks like Sam has a girlfriend! Oh, this will be so much better than I imagined," one said, laughing.

"You can't control Jack. He's stronger than any of you," said Castiel, being the protective father that he was.

A male demon shrugged, wiping off his suit with his hands. "Really? Cause right now, it looks like we've all got him pinned down."

"You won't be hurting anyone," I said my eyes lighting up.

"Oh? And why is that?" Asked a demon.

I pushed off the wall, falling about a foot to the floor.

"The fuck?" Said one of them, only to shoot me.

"Harlow!" Yelled Sam as the bullet hit my stomach.

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