Ch 17 Crush

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Bonnie's POV:

Mangle and the others dragged me into the mall and we started walking towards some of the stores. Not gonna lie, I really don't wanna be here. I wanna be at Foxys house, wrapped up in a blanket and hanging out with Foxy. But I guess being here is fine because I'm with Frosty and he understands me alot. So I won't feel so uncomfortable. "So why am I here?" I asked them while we were walking. "To get you some clothes and stuff and mabey some other things." Answerd Frosty. "But Bonnie just has Foxys clothes and that makes him look super cute." Said Mangle making me madly blush. "Foxy ain't gonna always want him to wear his clothes." "He didn't mind but you might be right." I said. "Well Frosty why don't you get him some clothes while me and Mangle go do our thing." Said Chica grabbing Mangles hand and running away. "Alright, Come on Bonnie, let's get you some clothes." He said as we walked into a store.

Foxys POV:

Freddy, Grim, Golden and I walked into the mall store at the entrance. "So why did you guys bring us here?" I asked the group. "Well first you gotta explain to me what the hell is going on with you and Bonnie, because Chica says to ask you about it." Said Freddy. "Really? Ugh. So you know Bonnie's roommate, right?" "Yea." Well he tried to kill Bonnie last night." "Wait wait wait... what!? Your serious?" "Yep. Grim and Golden where there too." "Oh my god..." "But we saved him so he's fine now." Said Grim. "Ok well that's good." Said Freddy. "Whats the second reason why I'm here?" I asked. "Mangle and Chica want to get Christmas decorations for the party and Frosty wants to get Bonnie some clothes. And they brought you because they knew you wouldn't want to leave Bonnie with them." Said Golden. Well they are right. I wouldn't want Bonnie to be alone with them. "Alright imma go get more decorations for the party." Said Freddy. "I'll come with." Said Grim as they walked off. "You should get Bonnie a present while we are here." Mentioned Golden. "I might buy him a guitar because ye'know..." "That'll make him happy. You gotta guess the right guitar though." "I might know what he'll like." "I'll go find him and make sure he doesn't find you. The store is a couple stores down there and then you can buy it and hide it in your truck or in my car." "I'll hide it in yours." "I'll wait here so we can put it in my trunk" He said. I walked over to the "Music store" and started looking around. I found a guitar with a dark wood stained color on it and grabbed that one. I walked over to the cashier and bought what I needed then left the store with it and walked to the exit of the mall to put it in Goldens car. He was standing by the exit waiting for me then we both walked out and went to his car and put it in the trunk. "Whenever we get back to my place you will distract Bonnie as I hide it, ok?" I said. He nodded and we walked back into the mall.

Bonnie's POV:

Me and Frosty were looking for clothes in Macy's and we so far got two hoodies, three pairs of jeans and a pair of sweat pants. I was looking at more hoodies and then Foxy texted me.
Foxy: Hey where did you guys go
Bonnie: Me and Frosty are at Macy's.
Foxy: me and Golden and coming to you guys.
Bonnie: ok, wait where are the others-
"Bonnie!" I heard Frosty shout. "Lets go buy these before we get more, I don't have alot of money and don't wanna grab too much." Said Frosty walking over to me. "You know you don't have to buy me anything. I don't want you to spend money on me." I said as we started walking to the cashier. "Its fine don't worry, it's my pleasure. And you won't always have to were Foxys clothes." He said as we got in line. "Well I mean I'm fine with it and he's fine with it." He giggled and I looked over at him. "What?" "Yall are definitely made for each other." "W-what?!" He started laughing. "I know you like him. It's very clear." "Hes a great friend of course I really-" "No I mean you really like him. Like, like like him." I blushed and and covered my face but he saw right through it. "Are you blushing? Don't worry I'm not gonna tell him." "Ok maybe I do like him... I mean... he did save me from a psychopath and stopped me from suicide..." "Oh... well... I guess thats a start." "He really cares about me, like last night he let me cuddle with him. That sounds weird..." "That means he definitely likes you." "But he doesn't seem gay. He even said it to everyone." "He could be lieing, you never know. And he said he wasn't gay, never said he wasn't bisexual." We checked out our stuff and started walking out of Macy's. "I know but I just-" "Hey there you guys are!" Someone shouted cutting me off. It was Foxy and Golden. "Oh hey guys." Said Frosty. "So whats this Christmas party you guys keep talking about?" Asked Foxy as we started walking. "Baby is having  a party at her place and invited us to decorate." Said Frosty. "That means enards gonna be there. Great." "She said she'll take care of him. Hopefully." Foxy sighed and we kept walking.

Time skip to a hour later:

We meet up with mangle and the rest of the crew and went to go grab some food. Of course I didn't want anything and Foxy didn't say anything so I guess I'm ok. We sat down and everyone started eating there food and I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. "You should ask him out." Someone wisperd to me. I turned to my side and saw Frosty sitting next to me. "I can't even if I wanted to." I wisperd back. Everyone was chitchating so no one could hear us whispering. "You never know until you ask." "What if he says no, Frosty. I'm living in his house and in his bed. Do you know how awkward that's gonna be if he says no?" "There's no way he's not gonna say no, he literally rejected ChiChi, so why wouldn't he be interested in you?" "I don't know you may have a point. But still I need to be sure before I ask." "Thats fair." He finish and went back to eating. Everyone finished there food and we walked back to the parking lot to leave. Mangle, Chica, BonBon and Freddy are gonna go to Someone's house to set up party decorations, Goldens gonna take Grim and Frosty home and I guess me and Foxy are just gonna go back to his place I guess. "Hey Bonnie, Imma go talk to Golden before we leave." Said Foxy as I got in the car. I nodded and he walked over to Golden and started talking to him. They talked for a few and then Foxy walked back over to the car and got in. "So what was that about?" I asked him as he got in and turned on the car. "Oh um... we were talking about the Christmas party." He said. "So are you gonna go?" "I don't know. Probably. It's just stupid that enards gonna be there and is gonna be super annoying." "Why is he gonna be there?" "Hes, Baby's boyfriend so he gotta be there." "Oh well that kinda sucks." "Hell yea it does." He started the car and stared driving. "Would you like to come with us to the party?" "Um... I've never been to a party before..." "Dont worry you'll be fine, it's not one of those weird partys." I layed my head in my hand and looked outside the window. "You don't have to if you don't wanna." He said. "Yea, ill think about it." "We just... ye'know... we want you to feel included and hang out with you. Oh my god I just sounded like a mom." I laughed. "Yea I know." The rest of the car ride was just the radio blasting music as we arrived home and we both got out of the car and walked inside. "Hey I just got a text from my parents saying they are going to a party and won't be home until 1am so we will have to talk to them about this whole situation tomorrow." I nodded and we walked inside. I walked upstairs to Foxys room and set my bag of clothes down that me and Frosty bought and looked at them. "Ye'know he didn't have to buy you clothes, you coulda just used mine." Said Foxy sitting down on the bed. "Yea he just thought that you'd not like it if I always wore your clothes." I replied sitting down next to him. "Yea but... you do look cute in my clothes." I blushed and nervously laughed. "Foxy I'm taking your car! Give me the keys!" Foxy sighed and got up. "I'll be right back." He left the room and I wrapped myself in his blanket and turned on my phone to watch some YouTube.

Time skip to 11pm:

Me and Foxy have just been talking and playing video games all night for hours. Then I got bored and got ready for bed. Of course though I didn't get any clothes to sleep with and had to wear Foxys. I took my shirt off and was about to put on a silk long sleeve shirt until Foxy gasped. "Shit I completely forgot to rewrap you arm this morning." I looked at the bandages on my arm from the stab wound and realized almost the whole wrap turned dark red. Foxy grabbed more wraps and some cleaner for my arm. I sat down on his bed and he stopped and neeld down in front of me. "Your fine if I do this right?" He politely asked. "Y-yea it's fine." I replied. He unwrapped the bandages and poured some of the disinfect on it. It stun but I managed to not flinch and he started rewrap my arm. "There that should be good." He said finishing wrapping my arm. "T-thank you." I studderd blushing. He smiled then went over to his closet and got changed. Same with me. I crawled into bed and curled up in the sheets. Foxy minutes later slipped into the blanket next to me and turned off the light. "Night Bon." He said. "Goodnight Foxy." It was silent and I couldn't sleep at all. I mean his bed was super comfortable and I was warm but I don't know why I couldn't sleep. I turned over to look at Foxy and saw his back towards me. "Foxy? Are you awake?" I wisperd. He turned over to face me. "Yea whats up?" He asked. "I um... I have a question..." "What is it?" "C-can we... can we c-cuddle?" I could feel my face burning. "I just feel like it'll help me sleep better..." "S-sure." He responded. I scooted closer to him and curled up into his arms. I felt so warm and calm. "Thank you, Foxy." I wisperd. He just pulled me closer to him as I fell asleep.

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