Ch 19 Birthday

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Foxys POV:

I woke up with a yawn and and turned over to look at my clock. 5:20 wensday. I don't need to be awake for another hour. I sighed and turned back around to try and fall asleep again until something hit me. Wait... today's wensday... Bonnie's birthday. I shot up out of bed and looked over at Bonnie who was still passed asleep. I slowly climbed out of bed, grabbed my phone and walked over to the bathroom. I shut the door when I got inside. A tornado of thoughts where going through my head as I washed my face. Should I ask him tonight? Is it safe to ask him? Will he think I'm doing what Kai did to him and just use him? Will he say no? Is it even right to ask him? I'm just so confused. Like I feel like I should ask him but I don't want him to feel trapped again. But I feel like tonight's the perfect night to ask. I sighed and pulled out my phone to at least talk to someone. I was about to call Grim then I remembered something. Golden still has Bonnie's guitar I bought him. I immediately shot up with joy and called him. I might have a chance! I waited for a moment until he answered. "Hello?" Golden said sounding extremely tired. "Golden could you do me a favor." "Foxy, it's like 5 in the morning. You know we don't have school today right?" My heart skipped. "Really!?" "Yea, it snowed like 6 inches last night." "Thats perfect!" I quietly shouted. "Why?" "Well today's Bonnie's birthday and I thought you could bring his guitar..." "The roads are super icey and it's really not safe to drive. But sure I'll swing by and give it to you. Just figure out how to hide it from him." "Hes still asleep if you wanna swing by and drop it off." "I guess u could. You should tell the others that it's Bonnie's birthday. I think they'd like to know." "Yea I might. I had to ask him a couple days ago for him to tell me. Mabey he doesn't want anyone to know..." "He needs to feel like people care about him so tell everyone but tell them to just... I don't know. Send a text or something. It won't be anything big so he won't have to worry." "Yea. I guess I'll tell everyone." "What are you doing for his birthday?" I stopped for a moment. Should i tell him. I really need to talk to someone about it. And Golden is a very reasonable guy. He'll know what to do. "Golden I... I think I'm gonna ask out Bonnie. But I don't know if I should." "Thats not that big of a surprise to me. I already knew." "W-what?" I studderd. "You spent about $300 on a guitar for him, let him stay in your home, saved his ass, and a little bird told me you liked him." "What? Who?" "They told me to not tell you." "Was it Grim?" "I ain't tellin you who." "I just... I don't know if I should ask him... like, I don't want him to feel like he has to date me or he's trapped again or him to think I'm acting like Kai. I'm just so stressed out about it." "Foxy don't stress you'll be fine. If you ask him and he says yes just tell him you swear you'll never be like Kai or something. I don't know." "And it's like I really wanna be with him but I'm afraid of people finding out and people making fun of us." "Then hide it. Don't tell anyone else and don't make it seem obvious." I sighed and layed my head in my hand. "Hey don't be so stressed you'll be fine." "Alright, tell me when you come by to drop off the guitar." "Alright." I hung up and walked back to my room. I walked in a still saw Bonnie asleep. I don't want to wake him up so I just layed down next to him and sat on my phone. An hour later in got a text from Golden saying he was outside. I got up and walked out of my room and to the front door and opened it. Golden was there holding Bonnie's guitar. "Here ya go." He said handing it to me. "Thanks Golden." I replied. "Dont stress it you'll be fine." "I hope he says yes." "He will I know it. Goodluck Foxy." He said walking away towards his car. "Thanks!" I shouted to him. I walked back inside and started heading up to my room. I'll hide it under my bed, I'll give it to him later tonight. He won't check there. I started walking up to my room and opened the door and walked in to see Bonnie wake! "Oh morning Foxy." He said as I quicky hid the guitar behind my back. "Whatcha got there?" "U-um nothing." He gave me a weird look then got out of bed. "Did you get me a gift?" "Maybe." "Can I see it or no?" "Well there's no point in saying no so..." I showed the him the guitar from behind my back and he gasped and covered his mouth. "Happy birthday!" He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I told you, you didn't have to get me anything." I heard him wimper. "Well I thought you woulda liked it and clearly you do." "Thank you Foxy." "No problem." Hee pulled away and I handed him the guitar. "Is it tuned?" "Yea it should be."he sat down on my bed and setted his hands in position. "Can I play it?" "Of course." He glided his hand on the strings playing a tune. I sat down next to him and listened to him play. He stopped for a moment and looked down at the guitar. "You didn't have to get me this. I didn't want you to spend money on me." "Bonnie I wanted to. Plus you still gotta teach me how to play." He giggled and sat the guitar down. "So I got an email that we don't got school today." "Yep." "And I got some happy birthday texts from people..." "Yea I told the group. Your fine with that right." "Y-yea that's fine." "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable about it." "No its fine. I just don't really think it matters." "What? Of course your birthday Matters. Or atleast it matters to me." He smiled and then got up. "Hey can I use your shower?" "Yea, of course." "Ok. Thank you Foxy." He said grabbing some clothes before leaving. Fuuuuck that would have been the perfect time to ask him. I'll have to ask him tonight or something. I sighed and layed down on my bed. I grabbed Bonnie's guitar and started playing. I'm allowed to play his guitar. I bought it. I played for a little bit until I got a text message. I grabbed my phone that was sitting on the other side of the bed and looked at my text messages. One from Golden just saying "Goodluck pal!" With 3 thumbs ups after it and one from Grim.

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