Ch 31 New years

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Foxys POV:

The rest of the week went by fast. Me and Bonnie just sat at home and played video games. Nothing much. Other than getting Bonnie's drivers license! We went a couple days after Christmas and him practicing a lot and he got it first try! I'm so fucking proud of him, I took me three trys to get it. Well other than that we didn't make plans with anyone or anything so we just stayed home and ate his Christmas cookies. But todays new years eve and my whole family's coming over to my house. Great... Super hyped... fuck... well atleast Mangle will be there. She's ok kinda. I guess she won't be too annoying. I woke up before Bonnie so I was just on my phone. Bonnie's been super happy lately. He hasn't thought about Kai or had any suicidal thoughts or anything. Which is fan-fucking-tastic! Like holy shit it's amazing! He deserves a reward for that. It's just... so fucking amazing. I hope it stays like this too. But other than that, today's partys gonna suck. Almost seventy-five percent of people in my family are weird and the twenty percent are children. And the last five percent is Funtime, phantom and Mangle. They're normal. Kinda. Anyways, I just don't want them to see Bonnie and start assuming things... I told one half that he had no family or friends for Christmas so I was gonna spend it with them but I never said anything about him living here. And the other kids like to say stupid shit so I bet that they will call us gay or some shit because that's the people they are. Ugh. But, half of the family that is coming are my part so they are kind laid back but the other half are my step family, they got a whole bunch shit going on with them. Just hope they stay sober today. I looked over to my side and saw Bonnie still bundled up in the blanket so I carefully scooted away and got up but felt something tug my tail. It was Bonnie, huggin it. "You gotta be kidding me." I wispered with a giggle. I carefully pulled my tail away trying not to wake him up and surprisingly I managed to not wake him. I opened my door and walked out of my room and started downstairs. I saw my dad in the living room and walked over towards him. "Mornin Foxy." He said turning off his phone. "Mornin. Hey um... so you know Bonnie still lives here and our family doesn't know that?" "Yes." "Can you guys like... not mention he lives here or something. Like just say he's my friend and I'm hanging out with him or something. Cause i know they'll wanna know why he's living here and ask him and he's still uncomfortable with explaining the whole thing and talking to people makes him uncomfortable." I explained. "Yea, Sure." "Alright thanks." I turned around and started back to the stairs. That was easyer than I thought. "You know hes not staying here forever right?" Fuck. I spoke to soon. "Y-yea I know. He'll move out when we figure stuff out." "Alright." I finished up the stairs and walked back into my room. Bonnie was still passed out so I just sat down next to him and got on my phone. It's 11.47am and the family is coming at 12pm, so I could rest for a little while. I decided to cuddle up with Bonnie again so I scooted up close to Bonnie and wrapped my arms around him. I waited for a few before I heard him groan and suffle. "Mornin sweetheart." I said as he opened his eyes and smiled. "Morning Foxy." He said back. "My whole family is coming over and I told them not to bother you." He sighed and shut his eyes and hummed in agreement. "You still tired?" I asked. He hummed again and I kissed his check. "You can't sleep forever, ye’know." I said as he snuggled up against me. "I know." We sat like that for a minute until I heard my door open and we both hopped up immediately. Luckily it was just Mangle. "Hey guys!" She shouted as she walked in. "Holy shit Mangle do you not know how to knock?" I said annoyed. "Sorry. We're you guys cuddlin?" She asked sitting down in my chair. "No, Bonnie just woke up though." I said looking over at Bonnie who's ears drooped and was laying on my shoulder. "Oh my god you guys look so cute!" "Hey, if your gonna shout close the door!" I wispered. She got up and closed the door and sat back in the chair. "So~ how are you guys doing?" She asked turning the chair around and resting her arms on the back. "Great. How are you?" "Fantastic. Can't wait for the concert on Friday." She said making me confused. "Wait your going there?" "Yea, me and BonBon git some tickets." "Oh well, Ray, invited me and Bonnie to go with him and his friends." "Yea I know! Grim told us. We can meet up and have a hell of a night." "And Bonnie's never been to a concert so I think he'll love it." I said. "I hope it's fun." He said sitting up. "Yea, I heard that's there's gonna be three bands there." Mangle said. "What bands?" "I... I honestly don't know." She said with a laugh. "It'll be a surprise then." "Anyways, how was Christmas? I heard Bonnie got a shit ton of presents." She said looking over at Bonnie." "I did. I think it was very nice of everyone to get me something." "I wish I coulda got you somethin but I was broke." "This guy bought me a ton of stuff." "Thats because Foxys a softie." Mangle said with a giggle. "Hey, I was just being nice." I said making Mangle and Bonnie laugh. "So whos downstairs anyways?" I asked Mangle trying to change the conversation. "My family and a couple others. Not too much. But Grims coming over, which is awesome." "Whys he coming over? Not asking in a mean way." "He doesn't really have a family to celebrate with, other than his mom and sister." "How is his sister? I never really asked her if she was ok after the Kai thing." "She's good, don't worry about her." "Ok." He responded. I heard the door open and Funtime walked in. "Sup yall!" She said. "Sup sista." Mangle replied as Funtime sat down on the bed. "So what yall taking about?" "About a concert on Friday." "Thats cool. Who's going?" She asked. "Mangles going with BonBon and Bonnie and I are going with Ray and his group." I Answered. "Sounds like fun. Who's playing?" "Some random bands." "How do you guys not know who's playing?" "Didn't look." She rolled her eyes and laid down. "I really don't wanna go downstairs and talk to anyone." Funtime said with an annoyed voice. "Honesty, same. Everyone down there is a nut job. Well... almost everyone." "Hopefully we won't be bothered the rest of the day." The door open again and this time it was Grim. "Hi guys." He said, Bonnie greeting him with a cute little wave. "Hey grim." Funtime and Mangle said. "So how are you guys doing?" He asked. "Good, you? I replied as he sat Down in a chair.
"I'm good. Are you guys excited for the concert? Ray told me you guys were coming." "I've never been to one so I'm kinda excited. Plus I'm driving there. That's if I know where we're going." "Its in that Park where the Halloween festival was- wait a minute what?! When did you get your driver's license!?" Mangle asked. "A couple days after Christmas we practiced and went to get his license, and he got it first try." I answered. "That's awesome! But how did you get your permit?" "My aunt took me to the DMV and let me drive sometimes when she used to be around here. But we rarely did it. She was very busy. She'd usually let me drive if she was running errands or something." "Thats cool." Funtime added. The rest of the day was kinda fast after that. We just played video games and talked for hours. Grim at one point had to leave and when it stuck midnight I kissed Bonnie. New years kiss, pretty romantic if I do say so myself. But after that everyone stated leaving and Mangle left too. Me and Bonnie stayed in my room and played video games and talked. We cuddled up on the bed and played this game called "It takes two" from 1am to 6am, holy shit was that a fun ass game. Bonnie was so happy too, it just warms my heart whenever he's happy. Not just because he's my boyfriend, but because he's been so upset and hurt lately, it's just nice. I love his smile and hearing his cute laugh. Other than that we passed out, I think we left the TV on and the lights but I don't care. I'm just happy he's happy.

Unknowns POV:

Unknown: This Friday they're going to this concert at this park or whatever.
Kai: I know what it is. Are they going with anyone?
Unknown: Yes, a couple people.
Kai: Well if they get in my way. I'll kill them too.
Unknown: Are you going by yourself?
Kai: I've got people. And I'm going this time because I wanna see him beg when I'm about to put a bullet in his head.
Unknown: Theres to many people there. You'll get caught.
Kai: I've got my ways...

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