Ch 15 The Escape

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Bonnie's POV:

"-I just thought that... ye'know... We could hang out together sometime after all this stuff with Kai is over." Foxy said on the phone. I was walking back to my apartment with groceries. "Hopefully if this stuff is over" I said. "I promise you ill get you away from him. I'll come get you on Sunday and we'll call the police." "Alright, thank you Foxy." "No problem. Um... so you don't think you can hang with us tonight? Its gonna be me Mangle and some others." "No sorry, I'm trying not to get Kai even more pissed." "What do you mean?" "He still thinks that I'm 'cheating' on him or something and is super pissed." "Your ok though... right?" "Y-yea I'm fine." I lied, I don't want him worrying to much. "Oh ok good. Um... I guess I'll talk to you soon." "Alright, bye Foxy." I said then hanging up quickly because I was approaching my apartment. It was around 6 and the sun was just setting, hopefully today won't be as bad as yesterday. I walked in and was greeted by Clare. "Hey Bonnie, how's it going?" She asked sitting down in her chair. "Im good. How about you?" I asked back. "I've been fine. So, how are you and Kai doing?" "U-um we're fine." "Doesn't seem like it." "What makes you say that?" "You didn't have cuts and bruses on your neck yesterday. Bonnie..." "I'm fine Clare, I'm planning on calling the police with Foxy on Sunday and I'll finally get away from him." "Alright, just stay safe bunny boy." I blushed and turned around to walk to the elevator. I walked inside and pressed the floor 7 button and waited till I reached my floor. I walked out and saw my Apartment door open. Oh no were we robbed? Did Kai take his stuff and leave? No he wouldn't. Is he hurt or... is he mad at me? Oh no. I rushed over to the apartment and ran in. "Kai!" I shouted. No answer. I walked over to our room and saw stuff all over the room. Papers from my sketch book and my escape bag I hid. Oh shit. Kai was sitting in a chair staring at me with deviled eyes while holding a picture from my sketch book. "Bonnie? Who THE FUCK IS THIS GUY!" He shouted at me. "I-I..." I wimperd. "YOUR FUCKING CHEATING ON ME!" "N-no, I-" "AND I SAW YOUR FUCKING TEXTS FROM THIS FOXY FUCKER! YOUR PLANING TO RUNNAWAY AND CALL THE COPS! HA. LIKE THATS GONNA WORK!" Thats when I snapped, now I was gonna tell him how I really felt. "You know what Kai? Fuck you, I thought you actually loved me but all you did was use me and beat me! I'm done with your shit! I'm leaving and never coming back!" "Oh your leaving alright." He said before turing around and picking something up off the table then turning back towards me. I looked at what was in his hands and saw a kitchen knife. I felt my heart start beating and I was ready to run until he swung at me, I dogged it but he sliced my arm open from shoulder to elbow. I immediately turned and ran for the apartment door to get out and slammed it shut. I was weak and couldn't hold the door down before he would bust through it. My main plan is to run for the elevator and go to the bottom floor. But he'll know thats where I'm going, he'll find me. I have to find a random floor and find a fire exit and call Foxy. He'll know what to do. I went with my plan and ran to the elevator. "BONNIE!!" I heard behind me as I made it to the door. It opened and I ran inside and pressed floor 5 and close door as fast as possible. He was about to make it to the elevator before the doors closed and I was safe. The door opened and just before I walked out I pressed every button on the elevator to every floor then I walked out and ran to a nearby window with a fire escape and opened it, climbed out, shut the window and then sat down and started calling Foxy.

Foxys POV:

2 minutes earlier

"Shut up i don't wanna talk about it right now." I said to Mangle and the others as we were walking down the side walk. They wanted me to tell them more about this Kai guy because I had to explain to them why I yelled at everyone about the Bonnie situation. "Ok fine, but... are you dating him?" Said BonBon. Why do they keep asking me that. "Guys just leave Foxy alone we didn't come here to argue, we came to have a fun night." Said Frosty. Thank god hes on my side with this. We kept walking and talking until I got a phone call from Bonnie. Oh no. "Whos callin ya." Said Mangle pering over my shoulder. "Its Bonnie, now shut up." I said before answering. "Hello-" "Foxy! Foxy I need you here now he's trying to kill me he's got a knife and he's chasing me in the hotel and i-" "Hey, calm down, tell me what happend." I said. "Foxy whats going on?" Said Freddy who could clearly hear our conversation, same with everyone else. "I went to his apartment and he found out our plans and grabbed a knife and stabed me and I ran to the elevator and went to a random floor and I'm hiding on the fire escape and I'm hiding here until I can make a break for it, but I need you here... Please..." he wimperd. "Im on my way stay put ill call you back in a second." I said before hanging up. "I gotta go, ill um... talk to you guys later." I said then bulting of towards my car hearing the group shouting my name as I kept running. All that was going through my head was that I needed to save Bonnie no matter what happens. I made it over to my car which was parked on the side of the road and got in. I started my car then heard my car doors open and Mangle, Grim, Frosty and Golden hop in. "You ain't leaving without us." Said Mangle. I sighed and started driving and called Bonnie again. He picked up. "Foxy, I... I don't know what to do..." "Ok Bonnie, you said he cut you earlier? Where?" "He sliced my arm but I'm using my coat to patch it up though." "Ok, you need to get down from the fire escape and run to that one park I picked you up at. Ok?" "Hes out here. He's looking for me and if I even try to run he'll catch me." Thats when I thought of something. Grims sister works there at the front counter. She can bring him back in. "Grim, text your sister and tell her to make Kai go back inside. That'll give Bonnie enough time to run away." I said. I took a glance at him and saw him texting her immediately. Thank god hes here or Bonnie would be dead. It took a moment until I heard Bonnie gasp on the phone. "Hes going back inside, nows my chance. Go to the park ill meet you there." Bonnie said before hanging up. The car was silent as we drove to the park. Everybody was in shock knowing that Bonnie almost died tonight. We made it to the park and I immediately got out and started shooting for Bonnie. Same with everyone else. I wonderd closer into the woods next to the park and kept shouting. "Foxy!" I heard him scream. Thank god hes alive. "Bonnie where are you!" I shouted back. I ran closer to his voice and found him. He and I ran straight towards each other and gave a tight close hug. I could feel his tears hit my shoulder, his bunny ears where down and he looked like he was freezing his ass off to the point where his tears looked like ice in his fur. "Thank god your safe." I said in relief. "Thank you... for coming for me..." I almost felt like I was about to cry. "I told you I'm always here for you." We stood there for a moment then pulled away. "Let's get outta here before... ye'know." I said grabbing his hand and walking with him back to my car. As we made it back to the park everybody was standing there. "Oh thank heaven's your ok Bonnie." Said Mangle running up and giving him a hug. "Foxy do you have bandages in your truck?" Said Golden running back to the car. "First Aid kit in the glove box!" I shouted. Happy I lessened to my step mom and kept that in there. I looked over at Bonnie who was shivering and gave him my coat. Hopefully that'll help. Golden came running over with the med kit and started getting to work on the wound. The cut looked really deep and was from shoulder to elbow and was spewing blood like crazy. My poor bunny boy, I thought.
I went over to my car and started it again so it could heat up so Bonnie was no longer cold. "Hey! Let's go before Kai finds out we're here!" I shouted. They all walked over to the car and Bonnie got in the front seat. And I got in too. Everyone was in the car and I started driving. "We're driving to a parking lot and calling the police." I announced. Everyone nodded except Bonnie. He was still shivering from the cold and looked extremely tired. "Your staying with me, Bonnie." I said. "But you said your parents will-" "I don't care what they say. Your staying with me." I said rudely interrupting him. "I'll call the police." Said Grim on his phone. We stopped in a parking lot and we all got out of the car and waited for Grim to get off the phone with the cops. Mangle was still in the car just sitting there, I guess she was still trying to calm down from the situation and I don't blame her, this shit was really scary. Bonnie was standing next to me and I could now clearly see the blood stains and bruses in his fur from Kai. I slowly moved my hand closer to his then held it. He didn't even noticed or he did but was fine with it. Golden was texting the group chat were we are and that we are calling the cops. Frosty was holding Grims hand while he was on the phone. He hung up and walked back over to us. "They'll be here any minute now." He said as him and Frosty stopped by the truck. Mangle got out and didn't say anything but look at Bonnie's bruses and wounds. "So what do we tell em?" She asked. "We tell the truth. Don't leave out any detail." I announced. A cop car arrived a couple minutes later and two cops got out. "Alright, we got a call about a homicide? Is that correct?" One of the cops asked. "Almost, I was the victim." Said Bonnie. "Darryl, you talk to him and ill talk to this group." Said the cops as Darryl and Bonnie walked over to the cop car and the other cop walked over to us. "Ok so what is exactly the problem?" He asked. "Our friend Bonnie has been living with an abusive roommate for almost a year now and couldn't leave him because he had no family or money to get another place to stay and not to long ago we were planning on getting him out of there and calling the cops but apparently his roommate tried to kill him with a knife and Bonnie called us to go and get him." I explained. He nodded and pulled out a note pad and started writing. "Do you know where this guy lives exactly?" "The William hotel is where he live and his room is 704 and his name is Kai." "Bonnie also mentioned that he called the cops before but they didn't believe his story." Said Frosty. "Well clearly looking at the cuts and bruses on him and that fact that he's got a group to back up his story would mean that its true. Plus we've had alot of calls like this for awhile." The cop said. "Does he have a place to stay? We can bring him to the station until we can find a family member to take him in." "Well the problem is, is that he doesn't have a family. His parents are dead and has no one else. But I said that he could stay with me until we figure something out." I said. "Ok well if we're gonna get this guy then we better hurry, but before we go can I have a phone number to call you for further information?" He asked. I gave him my phone number and he shut his note pad. "Thank you for your time. Stay safe." He said before heading over to the other cop waiting at his car. "Lets go." Darryl said to the other cop. They both got in and drove away and Bonnie walked back over to us. "They believed me. Thank god they did." Said Bonnie in relief. "Lets get outta here." I said then everybody got back it the car. "I'll take the rest of you guys back to the others and me and Bonnie will go to my place." There was no response so I guessed they were fine with it. We drove in silence until we saw the rest of the group waiting outside a restaurant. I stopped the car a block away from them and Mangle, Frosty and Grim got out. Before I drove away Golden knocked on my window and I rolled it down. "If anything goes bad, you call me, ok?" He said. I just nodded. "Stay safe yall." He said before leaving. I stared driving the car until we made it to my house. I stopped it and we just sat there. "I don't know if that was the best moment of my life or the worst." Said Bonnie breaking the silence. I just started gigging. "I mean you are finally away from him, but you almost died in the process." I said back. "I... I feel like have much more freedom now and I don't have to be scared any more. God I hated how I acted like a little girl about everything." He sighed putting his face in his hands. "You had a reason to. It was terrifying." "Just... the fact that I actually had someone who cared about me made everything so much better. Thank you Foxy." "Thank me? Thank you for telling me about him so I could save your ass." He giggled and opened his car door and got out. I walked around the car and got a hug from Bonnie. I hugged back of course. "Thank you Foxy." He wisperd. I felt my tail waging and my cheaks bursting with red. "We should get inside. Its getting cold out here." I said as we pulled away and walked inside. "Your sure it's fine if I stay?" Asked Bonnie. "Of course it is." I replied. We went up to my room and I closed the door behind us. "Can I clean the rest of your wounds real quick?" I asked. "Um... sure." He said taking off my coat and taking of his shirt. I grabbed bandages from under my bed and started wrapping the other wounds on his body. He hasn't stopped cutting himself. Hopefully he'll stop soon. I finished and got back up. "Um there's some clothes in my closet that you can wear if you'd like." I said. "Thank you." He replied and started looking through my closest. We both got changed and looked over at him. He was wearing my maroon sweat shirt with silk black pants. He looks so cute with my hoodie on. I shook the thought out of my head and had to think about were he was gonna sleep. My beds decent enough for two people to sleep on but I feel like he'll be uncomfortable sleeping with me. "Um... you can sleep with me in my bed or you can sleep on the couch downstairs." "I'll sleep with you in your bed if thats fine with you." He said. "Y-yea thats fine." I Studdard blushing a little. He crawled in on the left side of the bed and I crawled in on the right side. "Hey Foxy?" He asked laying in bed facing the other way. "Yea?" He turned over to me. "Why do you care about me?" He asked. "Because... Because I love you Bonnie..." I said. I looked back over to him and he was passed asleep. I sighed and turned of the light and slightly cuddled with him. I love you my bunny boy. I said to myself before falling asleep.

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