Ch 32 Concert

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Bonnie's POV:

Today's the day! Concert time! I'm really excited, I've never been to one and I get to spend it with pirate Foxy. I can't wait! It's at 9pm so we have plenty of time. I woke up before Foxy so I was just on my phone. About an hour later, I decided to go take a shower because Foxy wasn't waking up any time soon. I grabbed some of his clothes and went to take a shower. It was pretty warm today so I didn't need anything too warm. After the shower I walked back to Foxys room and he was awake but curled up in the sheets. He noticed that I waked in and hopped up and smiled. "Morning sweetheart!" He said with a cute smile on his face. "Morning Foxy." I said closing the door and jumping on the bed with him. "I'm super excited for the concert today. I can't wait to spend it with you." I said with a smiled. "I'm excited too." He said back. "I know its gonna be alot of fun. It'll be almost like a little date with me and you." He giggled and I giggled too. "But with a third wheel. Of six other people." He said giggling again making me giggle again. "I love that you've been so happy lately." I looked over at him and perked my ear up. "You haven't felt sad or upset at all and it just warms my heart that your happy." "Well its because I'm with you~ and you being a sweetheart." He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I never thought I'd ever be in a relationship with a guy, but here I am, with the cutest and sweetest bunny boy in the whole world." I smiled and felt my cheeks burn. "I love you so much." I said tilting my head. "I love you more." He leaned in and gave me a soft, long kiss on the lips as I kissed back. He pulled away and scooted closer to me and hugged me. "I'm so happy your in my life." All I could do was smile and hug back. I love it when he's this soft, it's really cute. "Why do you get so soft in the morning?" I asked with a little laugh. "I don't know. Probably cause I'm tired and all I want is hugs. It just feels nice ye'know." We sat like we that for a few and then we separated. "Alright I'm gonna go take a shower." Foxy said getting up and walking over to the closet. "Ok." "Did Ray tell you when the concert was gonna start?" He asked stacking his clothes in a pile. "Around 6pm. That's when it starts so we should go around 5pm." "Alrighty. Love you." He said before walking out of the room.

Time skip to 4:45pm:

It's almost 5pm so we were getting ready to leave and I was waiting for Foxy to get out of the bathroom. I was on my phone texting Ray about the concert and how I was super excited. Foxy walked in the doorway and tossed me the keys. "You ready?" He asked as I jumped off the bed and grabbed my amethyst necklace. "Yep." I replied as he grabbed his ruby necklace. I walked over towards him and we started to the front door. We walked out and we walked over to his truck. "You wanna drive right?" He asked. "Yea, you just gotta tell me where we're going." I replied. I got in the front and he got in the passenger and I started the truck and pulled out of the driveway. "Do you know how to get to the mall?" He asked me. "Yea I remember watching you drive there." I responded. "So make your way there and then I will tell you where to go next." He said. I started driving and the car ride was silent for a moment. "This winter break has been fun. I can't wait for it to be over and go back to school and go back to my dumb job." Foxy said sarcastically, breaking the silence. "I wish it was summer. I really don't wanna go back to school." "Same, and I really don't wanna go back to my job but then it's better than school cause I get payed for it." "Yea." I said with a laugh. "Maybe we can get you a job. Like this summer or something." "Yea that'd be nice. Then I could start getting you gifts." "Yea, you could. We could save up for an apartment too, and finally get away from that shity house. Or we could save up to go on trips or a cruise, or anything. I'm just naming stuff." "An apartment sounds nice. Do you actually want me to live with you?" "Yea. I mean if your fine with that." "Yea, of course I am." I said making him smile and he slipped his hand into mine. We made it over towards the mall and Foxy started directing me to where we need to go. "Turn left here and go straight till the next lights then turn left." He said. "Ok." I replied. "I got some cash so we could go and buy some food and some other stuff. And if you want, we can split off from everyone and just have a me and you party." "Sure, sounds fun. Maybe we could-" "take a right turn here. Sorry, continue." "Its fine, maybe we could find Mangle and BonBon and say hi or something." "Yea we could do that." I took a left turn and we made it to our destination and I parked in the parking lot to the concert. It was packed so I almost couldn't find a spot. I parked in place and Foxy and I got out of the truck. "Good parking cutie." He said as we both rounded the car and walked up to each other. "Thanks." "Your getting so well at it, I'm really proud of you." He said grabbing on of my hands. "Thank you." "I just sounded like a mom didn't I?" "Yea." "God damn it." Foxy said making me laugh. We started walking towards the park or concert or whatever and we made it to the front. Ray gave us our tickets a couple days ago so we just gave the employee our tickets and walked in. As soon as we walked in though we were greeted by Mangle and BonBon who were waiting near the exit. "Hey guys!" She said running over towards us with BonBon. "Hey, how are you guys doing?" I asked. "Good~, how about yall?" "We've been great." Foxy replied. "The concerts are starting in like thirty minutes so do yall wanna go find Ray and his group?" Manlge asked. "Yea sure." They started walking and Foxy and I followed close behind. "So~ what have you two been up to?" Mangle asked. "Nothing much, just chilling at home." "So you guys did nothing this whole spring break?" BonBon asked." "No we went out sometimes. Hung out with a couple people, but mainly stayed home." We kept walking until I heard a voice shout behind us. "Hey guys!" I heard Frosty say as we turned around. I saw him holding Grims hand as they ran up to us. "Hey guys!" I greeted, same with Mangle. "Hi. How have you guys been." Grim said with a smile. "Great, how about you?" "Good. And I see you guys are wearing our necklaces." Grim pointed out. "Yea I like it alot. I think it's pretty cute." I said grabbing the necklace and examining it. "I love it." Foxy added. "Awsome! I'm happy yall love it." Grim said as we started walking again. "Are you guys going to Ray? I haven't talk to him or his group in a long time." Frosty said. "Yep. They're probably at the concert area thing waiting for us." Mangle said. We walked past some food courts and some small shopped until we made it to the showtime area. We walked around and pushed past some people until we saw Ray with Blackheart. We walked up to them and caught Ray's attention. "Whats up yall!" He said grabbing Blackhearts attention too. "Nothing. Whats up with yall?" Mangle said. "Nothing much. Are yall excited for this concert?" "Hell yea!" Everone shouted. "They're gonna start in a couple minutes so yall came just in time." "Wheres everyone else?" Foxy asked. "They're out and about. Doing there own stuff." Blackheart said. Then the lights around us dimmed down and the lights on stage brightened up. "Its starting!" Mangle shouted. A band walked onto the stage and introduced themselves. "Are you excited lad?" Foxy said looking over at me with a giant smile on his cute face. "Yea! It seems cool!" I shouted because of how loud everyone was. "I know you'll love it!"

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