Ch30 Christmas

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Bonnies POV

I woke up to see Foxy up and looking through his closet. He didn't notice me at first until I shuffled in the bed catching his attention. "Good morning, Love." He said looking over at me. "Morning Foxy." I said curling up in the blankets. "I'm gonna head out in a bit with the fam. Do you need anything before we leave?" I sat up and rubbed my head and noticed his eye. "I haven't checked you eye in awhile. Can I see it?" He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge and took off his eye patch. I crawled over to him and forced his eye open to look at it. It seemed fine. Fine as in not extremely bad. It was just a big gray blob with a amber like color in the middle. I wrapped his eye patch back on and and sat down in front of him. "Its fine looking. How are you gonna tell your family?" "I'll just say it was nothing or make up an excuse." I sighed. "Are you sure you don't need anything before we leave?" He asked. "Hm... mabye a goodbye kiss?" He giggled and placed his soft lips against mine. We heard funtime shout for Foxys name and then he pulled away. "I love you." He said cupping my cheek with his hand and rubbing his thumb on it. "I love you too." I replied placing my hand on his. He pulled away and got up and walked towards the door. He did a cute little wave before leaving and I waved back. Cool, now I have a whole day to myself... what do I do? I laid down for a moment wanting to go back to sleep but couldn't. Until something popped up in my head. I could write Foxy a song for Foxy... he'll love that! I smiled to the thought and sat up and grabbed the guitar from. Under the bed. But it wasn't tuned. Fuck. I don't remember how to tune a guitar so I'll have to use YouTube I guess. I probably sat there for about twenty five minutes trying to tune the guitar because the YouTube video was super confusing but I finally tuned it and I started to write some lyrics. I didn't want to make a long song because I know Foxy probably would want to hear a long one so about a minute long song. I already knew what tune I should play but needed lyrics. I feel like I could just think of a title and spred it out from there. It's not insanely hard to think of lyrics. Or at least for me. It's just gonna feel weird trying to sing it. I don't usually like singing infront of people so it's gonna feel kinda awkward at first. I wrote down some lyrics and played a couple verses until I got tired. I sat the guitar aside and grabbed my note book and a pencil. I started to draw Ray and his friends from yesterday at the Party cove. I did that for a couple hours until I got bored. Watched some movies, drew some more, and practiced guitar. I looked at my phone and it was 9:30pm and Foxy texted me.

Foxy: Hey we aren't gonna be home till around 10 or 11. Sorry if it's later than that
Bonnie: Thats fine don't worry.
Foxy: Also Mangle said merry Christmas and happy new year
Bonnie: Tell her I said thank you
Foxy: I will. I love you <3
Bonnie: I love you too <3

I turned off my phone and continued watching the movie until I passed out asleep.

Christmas day:

I woke up to see a long red tail wrapped around my waist. Foxy probably came home and saw me asleep and cuddled up with me. Todays Christmas and I get to spend all day with Captin Foxy. I shuffled around to see him passed out, arms around me and the cutest face ever. All I could do was smile looking at him. I gave him a quick soft kiss on the cheek and snuggled up against him. I reached my arm around him and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I turned it on and looked at the time. 7:23. God I fell asleep early. I wrapped my arms around him  but still had my phone in my hand. I waited a little while before hearing him shuffle a little. "Morning Bunny boy." He said. "Morning Foxy." I said back. "I saw you passed out when I got home and because it was late, I decided to just snuggle up with you." I giggled and kissed his cheek. "So are we still baking cookies and watching movies today? Cause I bought some ingredients." "Yea if you want to." "Of course I want to." He scooted back a little until we were face to face. "You didn't get me anything for Christmas right?" I asked. "Mabye~." I giggled and sighed. "I knew you still buy me something even if I said not to." "I wanted to. Plus it's our first Christmas together so getting you gifts kinda makes it romantic." "But I can't get you gifts-" "which is fine. You already give me your love every day." I laughed and he giggled too. "God I love your laugh so much. It's so cute." He said making me blush. "Literally everything about you is adorable. God how the hell did I get so lucky with you?" All I could do was smile and blush. "I should be asking the same thing." "But your like... perfect. Like... your so sweet and kind and smart and... so many other things." "Your gonna make me turn red." I said madly blushing now. "Its like... I've dated other people before but you... you warm my heart and give me this feeling I've never felt before and.. God I love it so much. I just... don't know where I'd be with out you." I giggled again and he leaned in and kissed me, locking our lips. We pulled away after a moment. "You say I'm sweet when your sweeter." I said making him laugh. "I love you so much." "I love you too." I snuggled up against him and he wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that for a moment until we heard a knock on the door. "C'mon, Foxy! We're waiting for you." Phantoms said. "Coming!" Foxy shouted back sitting up in the bed same as I. "I'll be right back. Family stuff." He said looking at me. "Alright. Love you." "I love you too." He got up and walked over to the door, opened it and left. A hour and a half later he walked back in the room with some presents? Most small and some large. He closed the door and sat them down on the floor. "Are those your presents?" I asked. "Nope, thier yours." I froze for a moment. "W-what?" "Dont worry, I didn't buy all of them. But I did buy a good fifty percent." "Foxy..." I said with a sigh. "Hey we bought you stuff because we love you. Because I love you." "I know but it's just... I don't want you guys spending money on me." "I knew you'd say that." He said walking over to the night stand. He opened it and grabbed something but placed it in his hands so I couldn't see it. "This is one of my gifts. Can you guess what it is?" He asked sitting down next to me on the bed to were we were facing each other. "Is it... my... promise ring?" I guessed immediately. He chuckled, scooted closer to me and grabbed my hands. He opened my hands and place the item in them and closed them still holding my hands. "Did I guess it?" I asked. "I don't know, take a look." He moved his hands and I open mine and saw a ring with music notes and flowers carved into the ring and some small red ruby's on the flowers. I gasped at looking at it. "Do you like it? I got it custom made and had a guy put the small ruby's into it and-" "I love it." I wimper interrupting Foxy. I slipped it onto my finger and it fit perfectly. I looked at it on my hands for a moment before immediately hugged Foxy. "I'm happy you like it." He said as he hugged back. We stayed like that for a few until I pulled away. "I love it so much." I said looking at it on my hand. "Well because it's a permanent thing I wanted it to be perfect so..." He said. "Did you say permanent?" "Oh... is it not? I don't know how promise rings work." He said with a nervous laugh. "Baby said it doesn't have to be. But if you want it to be then it can." I said still looking at the ring and adjusting it onto my finger. "That'd be nice." He said getting up again and grabbing a present from the stack. "So when Grim and I went to the mall we actually didn't buy Frosty anything. One, because he already got him presents and two, he was shopping with us. And Golden was there, but he was looking for a present for Springtrap. But Grim and Frosty bought you some stuff." He handed me the present and I examined it. "Oh and when we went to the loop, Funtime and her friends bought you some stuff too. That one is from Ballora." Foxy added as I ripped the wrapping paper off and opened the box. It was a brown hand bag with a little note on it. Merry Christmas Bonnie! Hope you have a great time with soft boy Foxy and a great new year! -From Ballora. I chuckled at the "Soft boy" part and took out the hand bag. "Do you like it? I thought you'd think it would look girlish but then I remembered Indiana Jones has one." He said with a cute laugh making me laugh. "I like it. I can throw my sketch book and pencils in here and some other things." "That gives me an idea for you next present." He went under his bed and grabbed out a actual sketch book and some small metal box. "Grim thought that an actual sketch book with some drawing pencils would be cool and now that you got the handbag you can put that in it too." All I could do was just smile. "Oh and I think... Grim and Frosty also bought you some clothes." He said reaching the box of stuff and pulling out a bag. "They through some extra stuff in there too and said I can't look at them so I'm hopping they dint put something weird in there." He handed me the bag and I opened it. There was some jeans, sweet pants, shirts and hoodies and some stuff at the bottom that were in boxes. "You guys didn't have to buy me clothes. I'm fine with wearing yours. Unless your not fine with it." "I'm perfectly fine with it. I just think their clothing nerds or something. When we get the chance, you can put them on and show me what they look like on you." "Yea, sure." "Oh I'm gonna go get breakfast, I almost forgot." He said quickly running out of the room. I kept looking through the bag and pulled out some more clothes that looked really cool and I pulled out a small box and opened it. It was an amethyst crystal attached to a leather string and a orange kind of crystal necklace. There was a note with it and I pulled it out. Hey! this is a gift for you and Foxy. I had a little idea that we could do a crystal necklace thing were we all have different crystals. I bought you an amethyst one and I bought Foxy a Ruby one and I bought Frosty a Aquamarine on and I bought me a topaz one. I just thought it would be a cute gay besties thing we could do. Merry Christmas lovebirds! -Love Grim
I smiled at the letter and slipped the necklace on. The amethyst was in a ball like shape but looked really cool.. I loved it! Then I heard the door open and Foxy walk in. "Hey I brought pancakes. My step mom made some and I save two for you and cut it up and put syrup on it for you." He handed me a plate with the pancake and I immediately took a bit. "I haven't had pancakes in so long." "Really?" "Yep, I never had the money nor did my parents make me any." "We should totally go on a breakfast date sometime." "We definitely could." He sat down in the same spot as last time and looked at my necklace. "Wait, I thought Grim bought Frosty that necklace?" "He did, look." I handed him the letter and he scanned through it. "That's cool." I grabbed his necklace and scooted over towards him and slid it around his neck. "Do you like it?" I asked as he lifted up the ruby end of the necklace. "I like it. Its pretty. I thought he was only buying Frosty one." "I think it's a little cute idea. Do you wanna do it?" "Yea of course. You ask too many questions." "Sorry." "No its fine silly. I'm just saying." I reached deaper into the bag and pulled out a controller. "I thought you'd like that because the controller you use now is kinda broke." He said with a nervous chuckle. "Well its nice that you got me a new one. Thank you." "Yea no problem." I reached into the bag again and pulled out a tuner for my guitar! "What~? I literally had a problem about this yesterday. Can you like read my mind or something?" I said smiling. "Mabye I can. It's my secret little power I have." I laughed and continued through the bag. I pulled out some games he bought that I we could play together and I kept looking through pulling out clothes until I pulled out some guitar chips. "You know I don't really need guitar chips right?" I said to him. "You don't? I thought you did?" "Well you can use them if your playing a song with quick notes but I like slow kind of songs." "Well fuck. I thought you'd need it..." He said with a sigh. "Who says I still won't use it?" I saw a smile come across his face and I went back to looking throught the bag. "Oh wait I actually wanted to show you this." He said stopping me. He went over to the boxes and grabbed a big long one and laid it on the bed. I hope it's not something super expensive. "I thought you could use this so I bought it." He said as I started opening the box. I opened it and it was a guitar case! I gasped and froze. "Now you can take your guitar to school and play it in the music room if you want. And no one can break it because one, it's in a case and two, I'll fucking sock em in the face." "Foxy you shouldn't have..." I opened the case to look at the inside. It had a red soft pad that the guitar could sit in. I had no words. I leaned over the box to hug Foxy. I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm gonna take that as a thank you." He said. "Mhm." I  hummed. "I got you one last thing. Well atleast from me." He said grabbing another box. "Now don't freak out about how much it costs." He handed me the box and sat next to me and I began ripping off the wrapping paper. I opened it and it was... a drawing table. Holy shit! "So I thought that because you love drawing and you follow a ton of art accounts on Instagram I thought that you can sketch what you wanna draw on the sketch book then draw it digitally and make an Instagram for your art. I just thought it would be a cool idea because your really good at drawing." I again had no words. "I swear you can read my mind or something." I said making him smile. "So do you like it?" "I fucking love it! I've always wanted to do something like this!" I almost shouted in excitement. "So I guessed right." I lean over to him and kissed him catching him off guard. I released and then tightly hugged him. "I love you so much." "I love you more." He hugged me back and we sat there for a minute. "You still have a couple more presents. So don't think that your done yet." He got up and grabbed the last two boxes from the stack and a note card. Foxy handed me one and I started opening it. "Its from funtime by the way." He said as I finished opening it and it was a small compass necklace. "That's pretty." I said taking it out of the box and holding it in my hands. "Can I wear two necklaces at once?" I asked Foxy. "Yea some people wear two necklaces." The compass necklace was smaller than the amethyst one so when I slipped it on it fit perfectly. "I like it." I said. Foxy handed me the other box and I started unwrapping it. "This one's from Baby." I opened that box and pulled out a dark stained wood watch. "This looks awesome. And this looks hella expensive." I said. Foxy laughed. "Did you just say hella?" "Yea?" "I never thought I'd ever hear you say that." He said with a laugh in his voice. "Whats the card for?" I asked setting the watch aside. "I bought us movie tickets for a date. We can go whenever we want to so we don't have to go tommorow or anything." He said opening the card and pulling out two tickets. "That's cool." I sat the empty box aside scooted closer to Foxy and laid my head on his shoulder. "You know you guys didn't have to do this." I said as he laid his head on mine. "We wanted to because we love you. Your our friend and we want you to know that we're here for you, always. God I sound like a mom again." I giggled making him chuckle a little. "Foxy!" I heard Foxys step mom shout. "Coming!" He shouted back. "I'll be right back cutie." He said getting up and walking out of the room. I grabbed my plate and started eating the rest of my pancake. It was like ten minutes later and I finished my pancakes and Foxy walked back in with some clothes and other things. I'm guessing his presents his family got him. "Is that all your presents?" I asked. "Kinda. I got new speakers in the truck and I got my brakes fixed. So now we can just cruse in the truck." "Thats cool." He sat next to me and saw my wallet on the nightstand. "Dont you have your permit?" "Yea, I took the test in January and passed first try." "We could get your license! And you can stear me ship." He said using a pirate accent. I just laughed. "Yea, we could." I placed my hand out to look at the ring that Foxy got me and smiled looking at it. "I'm happy you love it. I was kinda scared that you wouldnt like it." "Is this what you throw in the drawer yesterday?" "What? No." "It was wasn't it?" I said with a chuckle. Foxy just just smiled and looked away. "Mabye it was." I laughed and he continued to smile. "Foxy! We're leaving!" Foxys step mom shouted. "Ok bye!" He shouted back. "Why aren't you going with them?" I asked. "Its my step moms side of the family so they don't care if I'm there."  I looked up at his eye patch and reached my hand out to check it. "What did your family say about the eye?" I asked moving the patch out of the way to look at his eye. "They didn't really ask too much about it. It was more of a "hope your eye gets better" kind of thing." I looked at it for a bit then laid the eye patch back on. "Whats it feel like to see out of it?" I asked. "Its um.... it's like... all blurry but like blurry to the point where it's like I almost can't see anything. And it's almost like looking through a tinted glass kinda. I just can't have both eyes open at once or it'll look blurry." He replied as I sat back down. "But don't think about that right now. Todays our day to do whatever the hell we want." He said sliding his hand into mine. "Today's just me and you." "Yea I know." "Do you wanna get started on the cookies downstairs? I got the ingredients."  "Sure." I said with a smiled. We both got up walked out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Foxy opened a cabinet that he hid some of the ingredients in and pulled them out. "You know how to start the oven and stuff right?" He asked with a nervous face. "Yep, I've done this before." "Good, because I have no clue what I'm doing." He said with a giggle. "How about, while I make the cookies. You go pick the movies were gonna watch and make the bedroom look romantic?" I announced. "I can definitely do that." He said starting back upstairs. "I'll make it look as romantic as possible." He said making me giggle. He went all the way upstairs and I got started on the cookies. Foxy forgot to tell me where the pan and some of the other stuff was so I just went searching until I found it. A half an hour passed and I fished up the cookie dough and slid the pan in the oven and turn it on. I wonder how Foxys doing. As I was waiting I decided to go check on Foxy. I walked upstairs and over to his door and it was shut. I knocked and spoke. "Hey can I come in?" It was quiet for a moment until he cracked the door open and poked his head out. "No not yet, I'm not done with the decorations." He said. "Well the cookies are in the oven now and I was just checking on you." "Well, I'm almost done so you can come in then, ok?" "Ok." He place a quick kiss on my check and closed the door. "I went back downstairs and waited for the the cookies to get done. I felt my phone buss in my pocket and pulled it out to see a text from Ray.

Ray: Heyyyyy marry Christmas dude! I hope your having a good one
Bonnie: I am thank you. Merry Christmas to you too.
Ray: Thank you. I wanted to ask you and Foxy if yall wanted to go to this concert with us after new years. We have two extra tickets because Sham and Toxic couldn't come. Plus Grim and his buddy are gonna be there
Bonnie: I'll have to ask Foxy but it sounds like fun. I've never been to a concert before.
Ray: Cool! Just text me back when yall make up your minds
Bonnie: Ok

I turned off my phone and I heard the oven ding and I went over to pull out the cookies. I pulled them out and sat them on the table to cool and poured me and Foxy a glass of milk in the meantime. "Hey you can come up now its ready. Oh my god that smells so good." Foxy said walking down the stairs. "I just pulled them out so they are kinda hot." I said as he walked up to me. "Well the bedrooms ready and I pulled up a Christmas movie and made the bed." "Cool. Oh and Ray just asked if we wanted to go to a concert with him and his friends. He also said Grim would be there with his buddy, most likely being Frosty." "Sure, sounds fun." "And I've never been to a concert before so it'll be a fun little adventure for me." "Oh he'll yea it will. It will be a blast." I giggled and grabbed a tray and placed the cookies on it. Foxy grabbed the glasses of milk and we walked upstairs. The door to his room was cracked so he pushed it opened then moved out of the way. "After you." He said in a weird kind of rich person voice. I walked in to see that he hung up Christmas lights on the ceiling and LED lights on the walls. I was surprised and gasped making him giggle. "This looks awesome Foxy." "Thank you, i stole the LED lights from Funtime because she has never used them nor put them up." I sat the plate down and sat on the bed and he sat the glasses down. "Well you didn't have to do all of that for me." "I wanted to." He laid down on the bed and grabbed the tv remote. "What movie we watching then captin?" I asked laying down next to him. "Christmas vacation." He replied wrapping his arms around me and playing the movie. "I'm gonna text Ray that we can go before we start the movie." "Alrighty." He laid his head on top of mine and started the movie. I kissed the bottom of his chin and started texting Ray.

Bonnie: Hey Foxy said that he would love to go to the concert.
Ray: Great! I'll text you guys when we're going

I turned off my phone and Foxy wrapped a blanket over us. "Love you bunny boy." He said. "I love you too."

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