Ch 23 Love Birds

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Bonnie's POV:

Foxy passed out last night and I turned everything off and crawled back into his arms and fell asleep and I still woke up before him. He must have been tired. I was texting Mangle, Grim, Frosty, and Golden in our own personal group chat.

Mangle: Todays the day Bonnie!
Bonnie: I know I’m super excited!
Frosty: Wait what's happening?
Mangle: Bonnies going on his first date with Foxy
Grim: Thats cute, now I wanna see it
Bonnie: It's gonna be my first ever date too.
Frosty: NO WAY! Now you have to take me to see it
Grim: ME TOO
Frosty: We could do a double date. But like. At separate tables
Bonnie: That would be cute. But were going to an expensive place
Frosty: UwU even fancier
Mangle: Foxy is saying it's expensive because he’s a nerd. Unless your buying the entire buffet then you’ll probably spend about $1000. It's not that expensive
Grim: Who chose it?
Mangle: Lolbit did. Funtimes Friend.
Golden: Just be careful. We still don't know where Kai is
Mangle: Sure MOM
Golden: I'm not being a mom I’m just saying
Bonnie: We will Golden don't worry.
Golden who is going?
Mangle: Me, Funtime, and Lolbit found the restaurant for them but we are going just for dinner and we aren’t gonna bother them. But, me, Lolbit, Funtime, Chica, and Freddy are going. And you
Golden: So why am I in this?
Mangle: Cus we need you to drive us. Pweez?
Golden: Fine
Grim: Can I come too?
Frosty: If he’s going I’m going too
Mangle: Sure I don't care but your paying for your food
Grim: Deal

I heard shuffling and saw Foxy get up. “Morning sunshine." He said to me making me blush. "Moring captain." He giggled. Today’s our date. I'm so excited!” He shouted in Joy. “Me too!” I said back. “Do you know when we are going?” I asked. “Around five if that’s ok with you?” “Yea that’s fine.” “Ok cool, I'm going to go take a shower.” He said about to get up. “I love you.” I said “I love you too. Hey, you don't have to worry about not being able to wear anything nice tonight.” “Oh ok.” He blew me a kiss after grabbing some clothes and leaving the room. He said I don't have to wear anything nice but… I Kinda want to a little. I pulled out my phone and texted the group chat.

Bonnie: Frosty!
Frosty: Yea?
Bonnie: We’re the same height right?
Frosty: Yeeeees
Bonnie: Can you run by really quick and drop of something nice for me to wear. Like something nice but casual.
Bonnie: Thank you <3

Time skip to an hour later:

I was looking out the window waiting for Frosty and then saw him outside and ran downstairs to open the door for him. “Hey, Bonnie!” He said as I opened the door. “Hi.” I replied. He smiled and handed me some clothes. “There are some cute clothes I found for you to wear.” I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a close hug. “Thank you!” “No problem. See you later tonight.” He said walking towards the sidewalk. I wave closed the door and looked at the clothes he brought me. “Who was that?” I heard a voice behind me that was clearly not Foxy or Funtimes. I turned around and saw Foxys stepmom. “Oh um… It was just a friend bringing me some clothes.” “Oh ok.” I started heading for the stairs until she stopped me again. “So how have you been doing for the past few days?” “Fine, Foxys been helping me with calming down about the whole situation with my roommate.” “And how was the party. I saw Foxy with a cloth over his eye.” “It was good, but someone broke a glass and a tiny shard scratched Foxys eye but he’s fine, I just have to keep cleaning it out for it to heal.” she looked at me with a strange face but then nodded. “Alright, I was just checking on you.” she said. I walked back upstairs and back into Foxys room and saw Foxy. He was wearing a Black and grey square Long-sleeved unbuttoned shirt that was kinda long with his black trench coat over it and dark blue jeans and dark brown boots. “Hey do you like the outfit?” He asked posing. "You look Handsome and cute with a sprinkle of hot." He laughed. "Thanks. You don't have to wear anything nice. I am just because I haven't worn something like this in awhile." "I got something but it's a surprise." I said showing him the pile. "Ok Ill go wait in the hall." He said exiting the room. I took the clothes and layed them down on the bed and saw a note. Good luck Bonnie! I hope you have a nice and happy life with Foxy and being with us. We love you! Love your besties, Grim and Frosty. Ps: You can keep the clothes. I think Foxys gonna like it alot. I giggled and sat the note down and put on the clothes that they brought me. I finished putting them on and looked in the mirror. I had a cute red and black squared unbuttoned shirt with blue jeans and brown boots. I think it looks kinda cute. Frosty did a good job finding me the right outfit. I opened the door and Foxy was waiting outside the door. "Wow. You look adorable." He said smiling. "Thank you." I replied blushing. "Were did you get the outfit?" "Frosty came by and dropped it off. I think it looks pretty cute, he did a good job." "Hell yea he did. You love amazing." He said making me giggle and blush again. He walked up to me and hugged me. "I'm so excited to go on this date with you."  He said as I hugged back before he pulled away. "Oh um... Should I wear this cloth over my eye or no?" "Did you take it off already?" Yea it's just extremely blurry and kinda hard to see." "Um I guess you should keep it on but let me change the cloth and clean out your eye again." I said walking in his room with him. He sat down and I grabbed a new rag and some cleaning supplies to clean out his eye. "Is your arm doing ok?" He asked as I was cleaning his eye. "Yea it doesn't hurt as much." "Do you want me to cheak it?" "No I'm fine. Thanks though." I finished up his eye and put the new rag on. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and we walked out of his room but I grabbed my wallet from my hoodie that I brought back from my school. "Are yall ready to leave?" Asked Funtime coming out of her room. "Yep." Answerd Foxy. We went downstairs and left the house and went to the truck.

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