Ch43 Nightmares

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Foxy's POV:

Its been a month. Nothing has been getting better. I havent slept in weeks because i dont want to keep bonnie up anymore. I know I hirt him and I just cant bare to see him hurt like that. He crys because I cry at night. Valentines day didnt even work out. I got sick and Bonnie didnt get no sleep so he had to watch me all day. Then he got sick. Bonnie stayed positive thought. He said he had fun. He loved cuddling up with me in bed and watching movies all day. I love that hes trying to stay so positive and help me. Fuck I just wish I couldnt get like this. This sad. This depressed. It hurts the hell out of Bonnie. Especially the night terrors. I figured something out to solve that problem though. I lay with Bonnie in bed at night until he goes to sleep and then I get up, close the door. Set an alarm for an hour before he wakes up, and I either sleep on the couch, or I stay awake. I usually stay awake though. I really cant sleep anymore. I wake up in sweats from the nightmares. I just wish try could end. I wish all of this could end. I dont even talk to my own friends anymore. Well everyone except Freddy. This whole Kai thing has got me all fucked up about trust and Im scared. But im trying to stay strong for Bonnie though. I dont want him upset too. Ive been talking with Freddy more. Hes been helping me alot. Hes a great friend, Im so happy to have him. Hes been helping with alot lately, like, things with Bonnie, things with kai, things with my stress. Sometimes he just lets me hug and cry in his shoulder. He tells me that i need to talk to Bonnie about the problems im having but I cant. I know it will just hurt him. Hes too sweet. Anyways, Bonnie and I are still sick. We havent gone to school in almost a week. And all we have done is play video games and watch movies together. We're almost out of good movies so we better hope we find some good games to play. Bonnie's getting tired so he might go to sleep. "Foxy?" He asked. "Yea?" I answered. We were both laying in bed watching a movie. "When do you think we'll be able to go back to school?" He asked with a cracky voice. "Um... I dont know. Hopefully next week. Cause I really dont wanna have to do classes over the summer." I said. He sighed. "Things are just getting weirder by the day huh?" "You could say that again. Next we're gonna be in a penthouse." I joked making Bonnie laugh. Then he yawned and I smiled. "You should get some rest sweetie." I said giving him a quick peck kiss on the head. "We can finish the movie. Im fine." He said with a yawn in between. "We just started the movie." "I know but we can finish it." I sighed and smiled. "It past twelve too. So we might as well. Plus, I'm pretty tired as well." I said. "Alright. But can we finish it tomorrow?" "Where else are we gonna go?" "Hm. You got a point." He said with a giggle. I turned off the TV and the room went black. I heard Bonnie curl up in the sheets and so did I. "You havent been have many night terrors lately. " Bonnie said as I was getting confertable. "Really? Thats great." I lied. "Hopefully"Night love." He said. "Night cutie." I replied. He shut his eyes and I waited till he was a hundred percent asleep and then I sat up. Fuck I'm so tired. Im gonna have to sleep on the couch again. I turned around and grabbed my pillow. I got up off the bed and headed towards the door. I opened the door and walked out it. As I was about to close the door behind me, I turned around to look at Bonnie. He looked so cute asleep. He was holding the sheet like I was there but I wasn't. I sighed and then closed the door. Im sorry my sweet bunny boy. I dont want to wake you again. I made my way over towards the couch and grabbed a blanket that was underneath it. I sat the pillow down, laid down on the couch and I curled up in the blanket." I want to sleep. But I dont want to cry. I want to sleep. But I dont want to see him again. I want to sleep but I dont want to... I felt my eyes gain heavy and in an instant, I passed out.

"Foxy! Bonnie! Where are you!" He shouted as we were running through the woods. He found us. He found us again. Someone told him we were down at party cove. Fuck wheres Bonnie??? He was with me??? Nonononono, "Bonnie!!!" I shouted. I felt my tears become lava and burn my face. I felt my arms and legs weaken. "Fuck Fuck Fuck!" I shouted to myself. I turned around to see Ray pointing a gun at me. My heart dropped as he shot. The bullet pierced the skin of my cheek. I immediately kept running and screaming for Bonnie. "Foxy! Come back! We came to help you!" I heard Mangle shout. I kept running until out of the corner of my eye I saw an axe swing at me from behind a tree. I ducked but tripped in the process. I tried crawling away but was dragged back by my tail. I turned around to see Springtrap with an axe. He raised it up and swong down. I luckly doged it and got up and started running again. "Hes over here!" Springtrap screamed at the others. I kept running, pushing throught bushes and screaming for Bonnie. "Foxy! Where'd you go~!" BonBon shouted. I kept running for my life until I heard Bonnies scream. "Bonnie!" I shouted in fear running towards his scream. "Hes over here!" I heard Fredrick scream as I saw a arrow fly at me. It missed and stuck into a tree. I heard Bonnie scream again and then out of the corner of my eye I say his bunny ear poke out from behind the tree. I turned my attention to it and saw Bonnie but someone had a knife against his neck. "Foxy!" She shouted as tears were rolling down his furred face. "I'd step back if I was you  Foxy." Freddy said appearing behind Bonnie. "Freddy please. You dont have to do this." I cried. "Kai's giving out good pay for this. You'd understand." He said before my shin was slashed with an axe causing me to fall. "Foxy!" I heard bonnie scream before I watched Freddy slit his throat. Bonnie collapsed and I cried in pain before being pulled back again. I looked up to see springtrap hand Freddy the axe and walk towards me. I tried crawling away but bumped into a tree. "Freddy please dont do this." I cried as he go ready to swing. "Freddy please!" I begged. Then he swung down.

I bolted up in a sweat. I felt my heart racing and something grab my hand. "Foxy. Hey its ok." Bonnie said cupping my check gentaly. I turned to him and immediately hugged him. Fuck now hes gonna know I've been sleeping in here. "Hey, love. Its ok. Everythings ok now." He calmly said calming me down. It was a moment of silence before for he pulled away. "Are you ok now?" He asked. I only nodded. "What are you doing out here?" He asked. I couldnt respond. "Do you not... Love me anymore?-" "No! I do! I-I-I..." "Are you out here because... Of your night terrors?" He asked. "I-I... Yes..." I sadly said. "Foxy..." "I dont wont to keep you awake anymore. I know it hurts you." He leaned up and kissed me and then pulled away. "But I'd rather you be in my arms then you be alone." He said. I sighed and held his hand. "Im sorry." I apologized. "It's ok. You worried about me. Now c'mon your gonna sleep with me." He said helping me to my feet. "B-but Bonnie-." "Even if I cant sleep, Id rather you be able to sleep." He said as he grabbed my pillow. He held my hand as he dragged me into our room. He opened the door and we both walked in. I sat down on my side of the bed and froze. Bonnie sat down next to me and hugged me from behind. I dont know why but I felt tears going down my face as I held his arms and leaned my head onto his. "Im sorry." I apologized again. "It's alright. Dont worry if the night terrors wake me up. Ok?" He asked. "Ok..." I said. We both laid down and curled up in the sheets. Bonnie wrapped his arms around me and game me a warm, loving kiss and then snuggled up against my neck. "I promise you that I'll be ok. Sweet dreams my love." Bonnie said. "Sweet dreams, Bonnie."

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