Ch 28 The loop

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Foxys POV:

We got all of our stuff ready and started waiting till 5pm to leave and pick everyone up. "Are you fuckers ready?" Funtime shouted starling me and Bonnie. "I thought we were leaving at five?" I said "If we go now we can get some tickets at the festival there and get a good parking spot before the place gets packed." She said running downstairs. I rolled my eyes and we walked out of my room and downstairs. She opened the front door and walked outside. "C'mon! We gotta go pick up the girls!" We walked over to the front door and over to my truck. "So who are we picking up?" I asked as we got in. "Lolbit, Baby, and Ballora." "Thats it?" "Yes sir. I think we might bump into Grim and Frosty there. We asked if they'd like to come and Grim told us that they were already going down with a couple others." I nodded and started the car and started driving to Baby's. The ride was quiet until I felt Bonnie's hand slip into mine and making me blush. I looked over to him to see him smiling and looking out the window. I hope he's doing alright now. This morning has been really weird. We stopped by Baby's house and her and Ballora ran oout and got into the truck. "Whats up nerds." Baby said as they got in the backseat with Funtime. "Hey, Lolbit texted me and said that she's already at the loop so we could just drive there." Ballora said. I nodded and started driving again. "So, Foxy? When did you decide to be gay?" Ballora said. I kinda forgot she didn't know. "Um... I guess when I first saw this cutie." I said poking Bonnie with my elbow making him giggle. "How long have you two been dating?" "A little while." "Out of everyone that could have been gay I honestly didn't expect it to be Foxy." Baby added making Funtime laugh. "You shoulda heard him on the phone on with Grim. He was all like, "What if he doesn't like me" and "what if he's not gay" it was hilarious." Funtime said making me madly blush. Bonnie started giggling and that made me chuckle. "I was confused at the time. Don't judge me." I said. "Awww thats cute." Ballora said. "Whats even cuter is when Bonnie asked out Foxy. They were just watchin a movie then Bonnie asked and they both started crying and-" "Alright dude shut up." I inturupted. We made it to the loop and got out of the car. "Sup fuckers!" Lolbit shouted walking over towards us. "Hey Lolbit!" Shouted back Funtime. "Lets go get tickets for the festival before the line gets long." We walked over to get our tickets then walked over towards the shopping area. I slipped my hand into Bonnie's gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. I hope he's ok, this morning really got him worked up. We kept walking while the girls were talking until we stopped in the middle of the loop. "So whats our plan before the festival starts?" Asked Baby. "I'm gonna take Bonnie and we're gonna go on a little shopping Spree." Lolbit said grabbing Bonnie's hand and pulling him away from me. "Oh um ok... I guess see you guys later." Bonnie said as they walked away. "Now that Bonnie's gone... let's go get him some presents." Funtime said checking to see if they actually left. "I've already bought him a ton of presents. So I beat you too it." I said making Funtimes jaw drop. "Well fuck, that was our plan the whole time." "I mean we could still look for some things for him. I bought like eight things. Frosty and Grim bought him some clothes and some other small things and told me not to look at what they bought him so I guess it's a huge surprise or something." "Imagine if they bought you condoms." Baby said laughing. I rolled my eyes and huffed. "I'd be very pissed." I said making Baby's laugh stop. "Why do you not need them?" "No. I don't want to fuck him. I just wanna love him. I'm not into that stuff." "Sure~. Whatever you say." "Can we buy Bonnie some stuff? Yes? Ok cool." Funtime said before I could even answer. They started walking towards a nearby store and I just followed. "Dont buy him to much or he's gonna feel guilty." I said as we walked into a store. "We won't." Baby said with a giggle making Funtime giggle too. The store we were in was more of a "random shit" store, so they'll probably find something for bunny boy. I was just walking around looking at stuff, seeing if I think Bonnie would like anything. "Hey Foxy?" I heard Ballora say. I turned around and saw her with a satchel bag. "Do you think Bonnie would like somthing like this?" She asked showing it to me. "Ain't that just a purse but bigger?" "No, it can be a guy thing. And I think it looks kinda cute." I thought for a moment. He could put his drawing book and his pens and stuff. Mabye he will like it. "Ye'know, now thinking about it. I think he'll like it." "I thought he would." She said with a smile "I'll go pay for it." She walked over towards the cash register and I went back to looking. "Does Bonnie like necklaces?" Funtime said walking up to me. "Yes~." I said thinking about. "Alright then were buying him this." She said showing me a cute compass necklace. "He'll like that." I said making her giggle with excitement. She left and went towards the counter. Baby then walked up to me. "Did you find anything?" I asked. "No, Can't really find anything." "Ballora found a satchel and Funtime bought a necklace." "Sounds like a bunch of girly stuff." "It doesn't look girly." "Eh. I'll probably find something in the next store." "Probably." I said as we started walking towards the exit. Funtime and Ballora caught up to us as we walked up to the next store. We just kept on going to different stores buying things for Bonnie. I wonder what he's doing with Lolbit.

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