Ch38 Hearts

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Ray's POV:

I arrived at Freddy's house and parked my car outside his house. I hopped out of my car and grabbed the gifts from the trunk and made my way to his front door. I knocked and waited for a response before the door opened and he appeared. He gave me a weird glance. "So where were you hurt?" He asked crossing his arms. "They through me and then pulled on my tail but it didn't hurt too bad." I lied. "What side of your body did you land on?" "My right shoulder. But I'm fine." He gave me another stare and I rolled my eyes. "My arm is bruised and I hurts a ton. Is that what you wanted to hear?" "Yes. You got hurt doing something stupid." "It wasn't stupid. I got information and now we know their plans." "You got a point." "And I can handle the pain. It's not the first time someone hurt me like that." I said making Freddy give me a concerned face then brushed it off. "So you'll be fine? Your arm?" "Yea. I just need to ice it. It's not like they broke it." "I also heard they tried to rape you? Did they?" "No. No, they tried to weaken me more so I couldn't defend myself. I think when they grabbed my tail they were gonna start." "Well blackheart almost had a heart attack when we told him that you were hurt." "Whyd you tell him?" "I didn't. Golden did. I think it's because he knows you guys are close so he told him. And clearly he was worried about you." "Yea... he definitely is... he asked me to go visit him and talk to him." "Well then you go do that. I'll tell Foxy and Bonnie you brought the presents." Freddy said grabbing the bags of gifts out of my hands. "Alright. I'll see you later Freddy." I said waking away and waving to him. I made it to my car and got in. Time to go see Blackheart. I started up my car and drove to Blackhearts house. Maybe I could ask him out now? No, that'll be too weird. I just got in a fight and he's worried about me. Asking him out then is gonna feel weird. I'll ask another time. I kept driving until I arrived at his house. I hopped out of my car and walked up to his front door. There were two other cars in the driveway so that means some of the others might be here. I knocked on the front door and waited for a response. It took a minute before the door open and Blackheart stood there. "Hey, whats-." I tried greeting before getting hugged tightly. There was no response. He only just hugged me. "No hello? Just a hug?" I asked. "Shut up dumbass." He said with a chuckle making me giggle. He then pulled away and dragged me inside. "The others are in the basement. Where we're you hurt?" He quickly asked. "My arm, but I'm fine-" "Let me see it." He quickly demanded. "Why?" "Dude you almost died and gave me a heart attack. Atleast let me look at it." He begged. I rolled my eyes and rolled up my sleeve to show a very big dark bruise that went from my arm to my elbow. "Jesus christ, Ray." He said. "I'm fine, I swear." He walked over and lifted up my arm and looked at it. "Your acting like a mom." I said with a chuckle. "I'm not. You almost died and I'm worried. Your my best friend Dude and I don't like seeing you hurt." He said. He poked the bruise and I tensed up. "Yea, it doesn't hurt." He said sarcastically. "It only hurts a little." I replied as he let go. "I'm gonna grab some ice. Take a seat." He said walking over to the freezer. I sat down on a chair in the dinning room. I waited until I saw Blackheart walk in the room with an ice pack. He placed it on my shoulder and held it. "Hold that there please." He asked. I held it and then he removed his hand and sat down next to me and facing me. "So what are the others doing here?" I asked. "They're here for you but then they kinda got sucked into super smash bros." He said with a laugh making me laugh. I paused for a moment before looking into black hearts eyes and then I sigh. Should I ask him now? "Blackheart can I tell you something." I said feeling my heart beat out of my chest. "Yea." He asked as I let out a sigh. "Blackheart I-" I begin to say before getting interuped by two people running up the stairs. "Blackheart! Where are you!" I heard Haylie shout. "In here!" He shouted back. Haylie walked in with Choco behind her. "We've been waiting for you- oh my god Ray!" She said shocked. I gave them a nervous wave. "Your whole arm is bruised." She said. "Its not as bad as it looks. I'm fine." I replied making Blackheart gave me a serious look. "Ok it hurts a little..." Blackheart continued to give me the stare and I rolled my eyes. "It hurts a lot." "Did they only hurt your arm?" Choco asked. "Kinda. They pulled on my tail but that didn't hurt much." "Well the others will be happy to know that. C'mon let's go." Haylie said begaining to walk back downstairs with Choco. I stood up and same did Blackheart but before we could walk down the stairs, Blackheart stopped me in my tracks. "We'll be down in a minute!" Blackheart shouted. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the stairs. He pulled me into the livingroom and sat down on the couch. "So what did you want to tell me?" He asked crossing his arms as I sat down next to him and faced him. "Well now thinking about it. Now might be a bad idea to tell you..." I said scratching the back of my neck. "Dont tell me they raped you." "No! No they didn't. They tried but that's not what I wanted to talk about..." "Ok then what is it?" He asked facing me. I took a deep breath. "Blackheart I... I..." I tried to say. I looked up at him and took another deep breath. Fuck why is trying to talk so hard now? Ugh fuck it. I lifted his chin up with my finger and kissed him on the lips closing my eyes. Shit why did I kiss him??? Fuck he's gonna hate me. At first I felt him almost pull away in shock but then I felt him lean in and kiss back. I pulled away and I opened my eyes. I gave him a nervous laugh. "S-sorry. I didnt..." I begain to say before feeling his hand slip into mine. "I-its fine. I... I liked it." He said giving me a spark of joy. I smiled and he smiled back. "I didn't know you were such a good kisser." He said making me giggle. "T-thank you." He leaned in and gave me a hug making sure to avoid my bruised arm. "Does this mean you love me?" He asked as I hugged back. "Maybe~" I softly said. "Well... what if I told you that I loved you too?" He said making my heart warm and my tail wag. "That would be a dream come true." I replied. "Then it is a dream come true." He said laying his head on my shoulder. I could only smile and blush. Let's go! He likes me! We sat like that for a minute before he began to pull away. "Lets go downstairs. The others are probably thinking that we left." He said. I nodded and we stood up. He slipped his hand into mine and we began walking towards the stairs. I looked at him and gave him a smile and he gave me a smile. I could only blush. I felt so happy that I couldn't think about anything else but being with him. "I love you." I said. "I love you too dummy." He replied making me giggle.

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