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WORD ABOUT ROBIN OF LOCKSLEY'S return had spread throughout Nottinghamshire at an alarming rate. Guy of Gisborne had returned to the castle with the news and Krystyna could not have been happier to hear it. Robin had been someone she spent many a day with people he left for The Holy Land, and she was too anxious to meet him once more.

The maiden was in her quarters, her feet gently gliding her across the floor, a soft tune falling from her lips. She was unaware of the knock at her door, or the fact that it had opened slightly afterwards.

"Lady Krystyna, I do hope you don't mind-" Her actions were brought to a halt, pale cheeks flushing when she noticed the man standing in her doorway.

"Sir Guy, I did not hear you knock. My apologies." Her voice was soft, dainty, perfectly clear with her English accent running through them. She spoke with elegance and every word was pronounced correctly. Fingers moved to straighten the fabric of her pale blue dress, a smile gracing her lips. Her style was more relaxed than her father's wishes, she tended to favour the more simple dresses - only dressing up for occasions.

"Your presence is requested, the gathering of nobles is to commence soon."

With those words, Sir Guy left the maiden alone in her room once more. A breath was released, that the woman did not realise she had been holding. The presence of Sir Guy, always made her feel rather uneasy; she was never too sure why that was. Due to the late notice, she was unable to change her attire; they would have to accept her how she was.


The woman walked into the main meeting room, just as Sir Guy was leaving.

"Twenty-four..." Her father was chuckling to himself, clearly, there had been something to amuse him. She took a few steps into the room, her father waving her over. Nothing much was said to her until he had his attire on for the meeting.

"You're late." His gaze flicked over to here for a second, narrowing in distaste.

"My apologies, father. Sir Guy failed to fetch me any earli-" The young maiden began to excuse herself before it was cut off.

He held his hand up, silencing her sentence. She knew when to be quiet, or rather when he was no longer in the mood to listen. Her head lifted, feet carried her over to his chair, standing beside it in her rightful place. Soon, chairs were filled with nobles, and Marian stood beside her father, mimicking the current Sheriff and his daughter's positions.

"It has been a good month, we've collected nearly three hundred pounds."


The meeting had only been going on for a few minutes, and her father was already fed up with the nobles and their talk. His daughter stood beside him, her eyes rolling at her father's blunt attitude. Krystyna could not understand why he failed to see the positive aspect in all of this - but that had been something that she had always done. She was kind. She was courageous, and honest, and she promised herself to always give what she could.

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