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IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN she was called to her father's room for a second time that same day, it was so rare to see him this often. When she saw her friend, she was dragged aside and whispered the conditions of what her father told her.

In order to continue being the Nightwatchman, she would have to leave home -- she wanted to become a nun. Marian. A nun. The blonde's nose crinkled up, taking a step back.

"If you think that will help you, I shall support your decision." Krystyna would always have Marian's back, and support her in any way that she decided to act -- she didn't once and had continued to regret it since. Her short chopped her was her reminder.

The doors opened once more and Gisborne began to walk into the room, clearly not in a pleasant mood.

"Ah, Gisborne, Marian wants to petition our visiting Mother Superior."

"What for?" Guy raised his eyebrow, turning to look back at the maiden he had been attempting to woo earlier that morning.

"To borrow a pound-- What do you think? To become a nun." The Sheriff stated the obvious that the younger man had missed.

"Oh. Really? A nun."

"My father is displeased with me, in the Abbey I could learn obedience." Marian began to explain her reasoning, but deep down Krystyna felt it was to avoid Gisborne.

Sir Guy was clearly upset at the idea of Marian becoming a nun, these feelings he held seeming to be becoming more apparent as the days went on. Krystyna was upset for another reason, her friend would leave; meaning that she would lose the one person she was close to. The Nightwatchman would become to be just her, and there would be no one for her to enjoy her time with.

"Surely there are other ways."

"Go and knock on Her Ladyship's door, she's in the Chapel. Tell the guards I sent you." Her father told her friend, using her hand to wave her out the door.

Marian left without another word, and Krystyna's heart dropped -- was she really going to go through with this? Leave Nottingham. Leave her family, her friends. Gisborne had caught the blonde maiden's wrist as she turned to leave, stopping beside one of the pillars.

"Sir Guy --"

"Please, tell me I am not the only one who thinks this is a foolish decision on Marian's behalf." The words surprised the older of the two maidens, pulling her hand back from him.

"I believe that it is a decision that would make her happy." The blonde continued, telling herself the words just as much as she was telling Gisborne.

"More than I would?"

"Perhaps. Sir Guy -- have you ever considered, that she may not reciprocate the feelings you hold for her."

"I --" He was cut off as the door to the Chapel opened, and Marian began to walk from the room.

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