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TODAY WAS THE KING'S BIRTHDAY -- and Gisborne had decided to celebrate it in Locksley. Of course, he had invited his bride-to-be, as well as Krystyna. Though, the elder maiden was only invited because her father was.

The atmosphere of the party felt awkward, stifling, as most of the noble's parties did. It was a shame to see Robin's beautiful manor in the hands of Sir Guy; it would never feel as loved as it had before.

Fingers fiddled with the fabric of her sparkly blue dress, her hair carefully done up and out of her face. It was rare that she would dress up so, but it was a rather special event -- the King's birthday always was. Even if he was in an entirely different country, his home always celebrated it.

"My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen." Gisborne began to speak, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. "Thank you for your attendance here today, as you know, we're here to celebrate the King's birthday. We wish him success in The Holy Land, and we pray for his speedy return to these shores. Please. Raise your goblets in a toast to King Richard."

Every noble, apart from the blonde, held up their goblets and toasted to the King's name. Krystyna didn't believe in drinking all that much, so didn't often partake in the activity -- today had been no different. She had known why Gisborne was so happy when anything to do with the King came up.

Marian had found the time to tell her friend of the conditions of their engagement. She had said that she would marry Sir Guy when King Richard returned to England.

When was that to be?

No one knew.

"I, myself, have a particular reason to hope for the King's early return to England. For when that day comes, this fair lady, Marian, has consented to be my wife."

Applause echoed through the manor, and Krystyna's attention turned to the window outside. Oh, how it made her feel awful -- the thought of her two friends together. Though, she wished for happiness for the both of them... she didn't believe that they would find it together.

"Before I talk to my future bride, there is something I would like to present to her."

There was a silence, as the two conversed; Krystyna's attention was on anyone, anything but them.

"My Lords and Ladies, I give you, the future Lady Gisborne." Guy raised Marian's hand up to show the ring that was on her finger, a grin across his lips. Krystyna believed he was happy, but she could see that Marian was not.

The sound of an arrow being loose, followed by the clattering of a goblet on the floor broke through the cheering for the happy couple. A smile grew on Krystyna's face, peering up at the outlaw who had dropped in on the party. Oh, she could have predicted him showing up.

"Have we missed the speeches?"

Doors were thrown open, each outlaw brandishing a weapon and aiming it at the nobles. It was good to see that Alan was in better shape than the other day, the blonde maiden had been rather concerned about him.

"Hood. I don't remember inviting you." Gisborne was furious, though he was doing his best to seem calm and collected.

"Since when has a man needed an invitation to his own house."

"Oh, I don't know. Perhaps since he lost all rights to the house by becoming an outlaw."

Robin chuckled, before replying to Gisborne. "I would have declined anyway. My men and I are here on business. Please, everyone. If you could assist us by removing all your jewelry and valuables; and handing them to that man over there, Much. And then proceed to that room, where you will all wait quietly until we've gone."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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