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DESPITE HER BETTER JUDGEMENT, THE lady of the castle had decided to remain within the confines of the building. Pacing up and down stone corridors, wondering just how Marian was getting on with her task. Surely, there was no way she could do it on her own.

Krystyna knew that her father had every entrance to the village guarded, and they weren't likely to allow the younger maiden through to feed the peasants. The guards would alert her father of the betrayal, and Marian would be punished. How? The elder did not know.

When she was summoned to go to Knighton with her father, she knew that things would not end well. The woman could only hope that the punishment would be anything but death or something that resulted in Marian getting hurt.


The trio, The Sheriff, Sir Guy and Krystyna, were waiting with Marian's father for her arrival. The sounds of a horse and wheels dipping into the uneven path leading towards the house send sickness to her stomach. The old Sheriff was out the door as soon as the sounds became louder.

Sir Guy wore that damn smirk of his, leaning against the fragile frame of the door -- while the new Sheriff walked about inside. The blonde felt sick, white knuckle grip on the chair she was sitting in.

"Rumours are bound. The pestilence is over." Her father began to speak once everyone had made their way inside and found themselves comfortable once more. 

The brunette spoke up, clearly in a rather defiant mood today. "It is over."

"No, no, my dear. That -- was between you and me, and the Council of Nobles. You see, now we have a problem. Either I say you were wrong, you made a mistake and leave the quarantine in place..." The Sheriff continued, ignoring the next interruption from the young maiden.

"I was not wrong."

"Or - or I say you were right, lift the quarantine, let the layabouts live - and look for somewhere else to house my garrison."

"Then say I was right." Krystyna knew that Marian was just digging herself into a deeper and deeper hole -- the punishment for her actions would just grow increasingly worse. Perhaps, it would have been better for her friend to have travelled to the village of Clun with her.

The eldest of the pair had power over the guards, which Marian did not. This all could have remained a secret.

"No, you see there's always a catch. In politics, there's always a deal. IF - I were to say that you were right, then I would lose face. Well, that can't happen. Hm? We must have authority. So - I have to punish you; for your outspokenness." As the Sheriff rose from his chair, metal clinked against the wooden surface as he made his way to the door.

"Punish me?" Marian dared to speak up against this, causing a warning look to come from her friend.

"I do not listen to suggestions that you were consulting with Robin Hood. That would be unforgivable."

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