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SOON MORNING CAME, THE PAIR was curled up in the corner of the cell in each other's arms, during the night, the cold had gotten to the woman and she had begun to shiver. If she had been left alone, she would have been terribly ill. Her body was not used to the conditions, and she was still feeling rather weak when morning came.

Morning; and she had not managed to do anything to help Robin. She felt useless locked up with him, that had been her father's intention of course. There was no way to help him escape if she was locked up with him.

She hated her father. How could he? How could he be so cruel? It often astounded people how different the two were, his daughter had a heart of gold and always thought of everyone but herself - whereas her father was selfish and cold-hearted.

The pair separated quickly at the sound of footsteps, dark hues meeting Marian's as she noticed the woman come walking in with the Jailer. Brows had furrowed together, pale fingers wrapped around the rusted bars of the cell; what plan had her clever friend formulated now?

"Let's have some entertainment." Words were spoken to the pair as the Jailer pulled Robin out of the cell and waved Krystyna to follow. Her feet carried her in the same direction, not daring to defy what he was asking her to do.

"Where is it?"

"Where is what?"

The conversation between Robin and Marian began as soon as he had been thrown into the room. The blonde could already tell that her friend had a plan, and she was more than happy to help her go through with it.

"Please, the ring my father gave you years ago before he knew the wickedness of your heart."

"Madam, I told you before. Asking doesn't usually work. I'll do his thumb."

The Lady of the Castle stepped forward as the Jailer began to move across the room to get one of his favourite toys.

"Will those work?" The brunette maiden asked, her façade still on as she spoke to the Jailer.

"These? They're lovely." The tone the Jailer had laced his words made the woman shiver, it was disgusting, horrifying the way that he could make her feel with just a few words. He was creepy and sent a chill through the woman every time he was in her presence.

"When he speaks, will you hear?" Marian began to speak once more, turning her body to the Jailer as she waited for his response.

"Well, of course."

"Now, that I cannot allow. You might get there first and steal the ring."

"Madam, I can assure you - I'm a man of simple pleasures. Inflicting pain that's enough for me."

Forced laughter came from both women, the lady of the castle stepping forward to take the conversation from now on. She had picked up on where her partner was likely to go with the situation, so, with more power, she decided to lead. "Maybe - but - if the ring is not where he tells us, suspicion will fall on you and that would be unfair. We will speak with him alone first, you may go."

Hold Me Down ⇒ Robin HoodWhere stories live. Discover now