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THE MAIDEN WAS WALKING IN the dark corridors of the castle, the only sound being the soft padding of her feet atop the stone. Her peaceful walk was disturbed by the alarm bell being run through the town, dark hues grew wide, head turning as guards seemed to scramble through the castle.

She sensed that this was not going to be a good thing - had someone else innocent been killed? The news had been what she had never wanted to hear. A boy, the boy who had been working personally for her father was shot. Meaning that an attempt was made on her father's life, and he just happened to be in the way.

She did not know what to be more - afraid or upset. Upset by the fact the boy's life had ended so soon, so young. Or afraid that her father's life was in danger, meaning that her own life could be as well.

Still dressed in her pale blue attire, she now sat atop her white horse, Lily, as she rode the Nettlestone village. The family would be crushed, the woman wanted to be there to support them once the news was broken to them. However, the look on the mother's face was enough. The Lady jumped off her horse, along with Sir Guy as they approached the remainder of the family and village.

The sobs of the woman were echoing through the otherwise silent air, her feet carried her over, an arm gently wrapped around her shoulders.

"I am so sorry, I wish there was something that I could have done." No words were said in reply, but hands had clutched onto the maiden of the castle; her arms wrapped around the peasant in return. They were both shaking, due to the sobs Matthew's mother was letting out.

"We pray for Matthew's soul, as we learn he's in a better place. Watch over us, Matthew, and be proud. We will bring Robin Hood to justice, you have my word." Guy spoke the words as if he meant for them to help, but they didn't stop the woman from crying.

After comforting the family and making sure that they would be okay, Krystyna reluctantly left the village with Sir Guy and the remaining guards. She was hesitant to do so, wanting to make sure that both the parents would be stable and could cope without their son.


As soon as she returned to the castle walls, two guards were attached to her side almost instantly. They both insisted that they had to stay with her in case someone made an attempt on her life as well as her father's. While she appreciated the actions, she did not want people following her around - especially when she had better things that she could be doing.

After about an hour of being followed, she managed to convince the guards that she would be fine by herself and to go take a break for the rest of the day. Although reluctant at first, they allowed the maiden to be left alone.

More bells continued to ring throughout the castle and town, signifying death after death. It was not Robin that was causing this, she knew that he was too busy outrunning Gisborne and his dogs to be killing peasants that worked around the castle.

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