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AFTER THE EVENTS INVOLVING THE noble turned outlaw, the Sheriff had begun to get more on edge; every day that passed was another day that Robin was not dead at his feet. Yet, he knew that his daughter still held feelings for him - and that he must have held some for her as well. He could use that, and use that he would.

Today, Marian and herself were out sitting by Nettlestone village, both dressed in their Nightwatchmen attire. The pair had heard about the eviction of the miller and his wife and Marian had come up with a plan - of course, Krystyna went along. Mostly to protect her friend and make sure that nothing happened to her.

Before anything could happen, an arrow had come from the bushes near them. Both maidens grew worried and split up to get away quicker. What on earth just happened? Thankfully, Robin chose to follow her friend as they ran through the woods; but the sounds of groans caused her friend to run and follow behind them both.

The blonde looked to where Robin and Much were on the ground, Marian thankfully nowhere near. So she retreated back to the spot where she had promised to meet her beloved friend. Both returned to the castle, changing into more suitable attire.


Krystyna then took her place beside her father when a meeting was called to discuss the murder in Nettlestone. Anxious glances were shared discretely between the two women; hopefully, the blame would not be placed on them.

"The villages of Nettlestone report that Robin Hood, killed an innocent Bailiff today. This is marvelous, isn't it? The drama. Because now even his beloved villagers will lose patience with the hero who's started picking them off. What else did they say?" The Sheriff was thriving, a sickeningly happy grin upon his features.

"Hood was fulfilling a promise to prevent an eviction."

"Hm. War has addled his brain, I'm not at all surprised. So, what do you propose we do?"

"Immediate reprisals against the village."

Just as the Sheriff's daughter was about to interject, her brunette friend spoke before she could get a word in. A small, proud smile was then on her lips, dark hues watching the other woman from across the room - making sure she said nothing that would get her, or both of them, into trouble.

"Joderick would not want that, why should more innocent people suffer because of his death? The same people who witnessed and reported the crime. And did this strategy of your reprisals work in the villages before... No."

"Marian is right. We will not be going down that road again. Alternatives.." Thankfully the old man agreed with her friend, there would be no second thoughts about them or people doubting their position this time around.

"There is a... political advantage to be had here."

"Robin Hood has given us the high ground, we should keep it. My thoughts exactly."

"We could have the town criers announce what has taken place - make sure everybody knows that an innocent was killed."

"Good. We are going to enhance some minds." With his final words, the Sheriff stood from his chair and began to exit the room; his daughter turned and began to follow him - in line with Sir Guy.

"My Lord, I still believe actions are louder than words. If I had the resources I could deal with him, I could hunt him down." Guy had begun to speak to her father, he was more than happy that there was something he could exploit.

The blonde's eyes rolled as she looked towards him, the trio stopping in their paces. Fingers gently raised to hold Sir Guy's shoulder, gripping onto the leather that clad his body. "Sir Guy -"

"Very well, we'll do both, and may the best man win."

"Father, you cannot turn this into some kind of competition. That is vile." A glare was paired with her words, which her father then mirrored. He said nothing, waving his hand for his daughter to follow him from the room.


In the next few hours, a meeting among the people of Nottingham was required so that they could hear the announcement of the Bailiff's death. Krystyna was sitting within her quarters, the mere echo of words flowing through the silence of the castle. She did not wish to be seen with her father, there were more important things that she must do - like how to save Robin before everything became worse than it already was.

A knock on her door caught her attention, approaching it with caution before opening it to see her friend. The pair left the castle walls to meet with the infamous outlaw, a chuckle passing through the blonde's lips at the brunette's words; an arrow was thrust at Robin's chest with her words. "You never shoot me, understand?"

"You shot her? It is not the first time he has shot a lady."

"This... This is all in my honour. Isn't it?" Robin seemed rather shocked as he spoke, perhaps he did not expect the blame to be placed on his head.

"You really do think everything's about you, don't you?" Marian replied quickly, trying to deflate Robin's ego.

"Only when it is about me."

"You have given him a stick to beat you with, you killed an innocent clerk and now here he is making the most of it."

"I did not do it."

"I'm sure."

"It was the so-called non-violent Nightwatchman." Marian chuckled softly at Robin's words, her head shaking ever so slightly. Her friend shuffled rather uncomfortably next to her as they shared a glance. 

They both replied at the same time, with the same word.


"I saw him, I was there." The outlaw began again.

"It was not the Nightwatchman."

"How do you know?"

"I know." Marian said while Krystyna was thankful that she hadn't given anything away.

"Then why did he run?"

"Why did you run from Joderick?"

"We should go." The brunette muttered to draw the conversation to a close. Her friend was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over her silky blue dress; listening to the two argue like a married couple. The thought of them being... she did not want to think of such a thing.

"You must help me." Robin reached over to Marian, a hand placed on her shoulder.

"We are helping you, we are telling you it was not the Nightwatchman." The brunette sighed, shrugging his grip off of her shoulder.

"Whoever it is, I will find him - I can look everywhere apart from one place. I need you, both of you, to look in the castle. Please."

"I'll try." With that, Marian turned from the remaining two and left, walking to return to the castle. Meanwhile, Krystyna turned back to Robin with a sorrowful smile on her lips.

"I am sorry about her, Robin, she is a bit upset with the situation. These innocent people being killed - it seems like just the start of something far bigger."

Fingertips rest against the maiden's shoulder, the outlaw's other hand lifting her chin up. His thumb gently brushed against her cheek, causing her to lean forward into his touch.

"Just do what you can, my Lady."


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