I forgive you

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Two weeks later, it was the middle of May, by now, Stevie's garden had transformed into a floral paradise, a sea of beautiful colors, and an incredible smell pervaded the air.

Her garden seemed to be a reflection of her own life, of her soul. For months she had been in a dark, rainy place and now the light and the warmth of the sun had welcome her back to life.

Stevie couldn't be any happier. With Lindsey's return, her life had changed back for good. All the pain of the last few months was gone and she was finally ready to live again.

Lindsey and her had taken their comeback as a couple very serious. Every day, they spent hours talking about what had happened and how they wanted to change their relationship in the future to prevent another experience like their hurtful break-up. Both of them knew they needed to talk more often and trust in one another. They couldn't live without each other, so they had to do their very best to make it work.

Lindsey knew he had to tell Stevie about Kristen, a topic he had avoided since he had come back to her. But he was afraid. What if Kristen would cause another break-up because she could remind Stevie of their non-ability to give him children?! On the other hand, he was sure that withholding this topic was no solution and that he would want to know about it, as well, if Stevie was the one who had met another man.

He stood at the big window with an amazing view over the garden. There she was, Stevie. She sat at the pool, dressed in a cream-colored dress, her hair flowing in the wind. Her feet were splashing in the water and she was watching Sara and Shadow swimming. The two women were talking and laughing and really seemed to enjoy each other's company. Lindsey smiled. This was a beautiful moment he didn't want to mess up so he promised himself to postpone the topic “Kristen” to later in the evening when he could spend some private time with Stevie.

He stepped outside in the garden and joined them.

“Lindsey!”, Stevie shouted and waved at him, “Look! Sara is as crazy as you were back in the day. She swims at any temperature – no matter how cold it might be!”

Lindsey dipped his foot into the water.

“It isn't cold, at all!”, he answered laughingly.

“See? Told you, Mom”

“You two are crazy!”, Stevie shook her head as Lindsey jumped into the pool, as well.

Stevie watched her two loved ones swimming their laps. The water was sparkling beautifully in the warm sunlight. She closed her eyes for a moment and looked up into the sky. Normally, she avoided sun-bathing as it wasn't very good for her skin but she hadn't felt that happy in a long, long time.

Lindsey took the chance and pulled Stevie in one jolt into the water. His action took her by surprise and when she came back up to air she was screaming like crazy.

“Liiiiiiiiiiiiiinds! Fuck! Oh fuck! It's so fucking cold!”, she shrieked in a high pitched voice and swam after him to take revenge. Her long dress was heavy from water and she wasn't fast enough to come close to him. The dog started barking in excitement while Sara and Lindsey were laughing, watching her desperate effort to reach them.

“Oh, you're going to regret that, Mr. Buckingham!”, she cursed him.

“Oh baby. I'm sorry, come here..”, he calmed her down, still laughing and approached to her.

“That wasn't funny at all!”, she went on.

“Yes, it was!”, Sara laughed hysterically.

He pulled her into his arms, smiled and freed her face from her long, wet hair.

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