"Atsumu you fucking idiot!"

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This chapter is dedicated to Akaashi_is_Superior because they wanted Suna content. I ain't forget🙂

"Rintaro..." she whispered again poking the boy's face as he slept like a log.

They stayed up really late the night before so it was expected that everyone slept in. Except (Y/n), she's used to waking up at dawn.

She was trying to wake Rintaro up so she wouldn't be lonely but he was dead asleep.

"Rin-ta-ro~" she whined poking his face again.

"Tsumu go aw-" He turned and stared at her face for a few moments before springing up, a blushing mess.

"I- don't do that" he frowned getting off the bed. "Why are ya up so early?"

"I was bored so i wanted us to hang out" She shrugged.

"So what do ya wanna do?"

"I wanna go play!" She beamed "Just like old times!"

"I don't think yer brothers would like that..." He turned away.

"Aw come on please??" She begged "they're not here! Pleasee!??!"

"Fine.." he huffed getting off the bed.

"YA-" He held his hand over her mouth.

"Sh.. they're all asleep remember?"

"Oh yeah.." She laughed

They snuck out of the room tip-toeing passed Aran's empty room then Kita's well almost.

"Where are y'all running off to?" Kita asked crossing his arms as he leaned on the doorframe.



He sighed "if ya both want to play. Not in the wet-fields. There are snakes there." He smiled at them softly.

"Thanks Pops!" Rintaro beamed as theh ran outside.

Rintaro and (Y/n) laid in the grass, panting after aimlessly running around and playing like the little children they were.

"Hey...ya still like beetles?" He asked out of the blue.

"Yeah.." she smiled "kinda weird huh?"


"Everyone my age thinks I'm some weird girl that fights and likes bug and wears pants" She scoffed.

"What's wrong with wearin' pants?" He asked.

"I dunno Rintaro? Ask them"

"City folk seem weird.." he muttered "they're always all up in yer business. Right?"

"Yeah.. they can be nice at times" she shrugged. "Most of the girls are kinda mean though.."

"Ah.. but ya got friends right?" He asked.


"Of course"

"You know Rintaro, you talk alot now" she giggled.


"Hey guys!" Atsumu walked out stretching his limbs. "(Y/n) yer brothers are here"

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