"Daddy what's kissing?"

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After their game of tag the kids decided to sit down and have some tea inside at the lounge. It was a little crowded but they had a small table at the corner of the room.

"I won again!" Shoyo bragged at Tobio who had an irk mark on his face.

"You cheated." Tobio scoffed.

"Ahem. Sore loser" Kei smirked at Tobio who's scowl deepened.

"Here you can have the last cookie Ya-Chan" Tadashi blushed giving the girl the cookie.

"Are you two best-friends?" The Princess asked the two as she noticed their behaviour towards eachother.

"No, but we're Buh-trothed" Yachi answered.

"Huh?" She tilted her head "what's that"

"It means they're gonna get married when their bigger" Kei explained. "Stupid"

"Wow you're really smart Kei!" She beamed at him ignoring the insult.

"No you're just stupid" He murmured.

"Watch your mouth" Tobio frowned at the taller boy

"My daddy says I'm really smart" (Y/n) protested shoving another cookie in her mouth. "And if you're gonna be mean I'll beat you up" She threatened remembering what the twins told her.


"Listen up sis, this is really important" Yū started as they sat in a circle on Ryū's bed.

"If anyone is mean to you at the gathering you call us okay?!" Yū whisper-yelled

"Yeah we'll beat them up!"

"What if i don't see you?" She asked.

"Then tell them you'll beat them up. They're gonna be so scared and they won't be mean ever again"



"Ah let's not fight please" Tadashi begged.

"Kei-san is only smart because of his family, if not he'd be stupid too" Akane added.

Yes we're gonna ignore the fact that she agreed that (Y/n) is stupid.

"What does your family do?" (Y/n) asked.

"They're Philosophers" He said with a proud grin.

(Y/n) stared at him in awe, how was he able to say such a big word.

"What's a phil-solo-fer" She asked.

"Just people that read books alot" Tobio shrugged.

"No, they also teach too and super are smart" Kei added.

"Wow that's really cool! Do you wanna do that too when you get bigger?" She asked and he nodded again.

"Well I'm gonna be a big strong guard when i get bigger!" Shoyo announced.

"If you get bigger" Tobio chortled.

"What about you Tobio-Chan?" Akane asked.

"My big brother's gonna be the Duke, so I'll just get better at Magic" He shrugged.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do later.." Akane sighed.

"Me too" Tadashi seconded

"My Daddy's a duke but i wanna make pretty dresses just like mommy!" Yachi said.

Karasuno's Princess ( Haikyuu X Child!Reader ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now