"Who says?"

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Y'all think I'm nice maybe i should just kill off some love interests and make you marry Coach Washijou.

+4 Year time skip


He stared at the medium sized picture frame that stood on the table near her mother's shrine.

They believed she was still out there somewhere so they didn't make a shrine for her.

"How long has it been?" Osamu asked from behind him.

"3 or 4 years i think" Atsumu answered.

"You think she's dead?" Rintaro asked making his brothers gasp and Osamu slap him upside the head

"Don't say that you idiot!"

"Well she couldn't have disappeared randomly" Hitoshi interrupted "we've looked everywhere"

"Except south"

"What's she doin' down south Atsumu?"

"Tch you're so dumb"


"Well maybe we just didn't check hard enough".

"Yeah and I thought you loved her why are you giving up now!?" Atsumu pointed at his younger brother.

"I- Huh!?" He fumed "i don't love her. That's gross" Rintaro scoffed. "You're gross Tsumu" he sneered before storming off.

"What's up with him?"

"Beats me"

"Wanna go steal some mangoes?"

"...shut up Atsumu"

Ily Atsumu I'm sorry😂

"I don't get why we have to wear all this" The princess scoffed at her outfit, shoving another cookie in her mouth.

This was just one of those days that they had themes at the gatherings. And today they all had to wear sailor themed outfits. (Y/n) didn't hate the outfit, she just felt restrained.

"You're just mad because you look Ugly in it" someone mocked from across the table.

"Tsukki!" Tadashi gasped "that's so-"

"Oh shut up Kei, you're just lucky those pants can hide your chicken legs" She bit back, smirking at his irked expression.

"Oof-" Kageyama muttered and Akane started laughing hysterically.

"Good one." Kei sighed looking back at his book

"Well i think you look beautiful, Princess" Lev interrupted blushing slightly. Kei rolled his eyes at the sight.

You're probably wondering why Lev is here, well he doesn't come for the gatherings often but when he does he stays right by your side.

"I just started my Guard training" Shoyo changed the subject.

"Wow really!? I'm gonna start mine next week" you beamed.

(Y/n) had been waiting ages to start her combat training and her father finally agreed after much persuasion and begging he finally agreed.

"You want to start combat training?" someome sneered from behind the group.

"Oh..Ueno-San..Good afternoon" the Princess turned to the girl who stood beside one of her lackeys Kawai.

Karasuno's Princess ( Haikyuu X Child!Reader ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now