Old Family

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Miss mee?!

"Have you handed in your essay to Takeda?" Yū asked his sister, the twins were eating lunch with the Princess as they did during the weekends. All the brothers tried as much as possible to make time for their sister.

"Yeah." She nodded eating her cookie.

"I didn't know you even thought about marriage" Ryū laughed, remembering the whole ordeal at the dining table that threw their dinner into chaos mode.

"That was the first time i ever had serious thoughts about it" She admitted, laughing nervously "It's pretty weird though"

"How so?" Ryū pondered.

"All my friends talk about it so casually..."

"Well don't worry about them. You shouldn't think about marrying any musty cr-" Yū started "i mean... you uh.. don't have to get marr- Fuck I'm terrible at this. Ryū help me out here" He whispered the last part.

"Uh- um... So like you should probably just wait till you're older and stuff.. yeah" Her brother cleared his throat, obviously the conversation topic  was making him uncomfortable.

The twins hoped a miracle would happen so they wouldn't have to talk about that anymore. The idea of their baby sister married? Hell no. In their eyes she was still four so whoever wanted her would have to go through:

An army of guards.

Her father.


And all 5 brothers.

Before they can even consider taking her from them. Although Asahi didn't mind the idea, he just didn't want her thinking about it now. He knew it'd happen sooner or later.

Asahi called it realism. The rest called it bullshit.

"So- how's training going?" She asked changing the subject which made both of them let out relieved sighs.

"It's gr- Oh shoot!" Yū exclaimed standing up from the table swiftly which made his chair topple over behind him.

"That's right! There's an orientation going on today" Ryū stated "New guards came in and we're supposed to make them feel comfortable here."

"Comfortable? Why?" She asked.

"They'll work harder in a comfortable environment" Yū answered.

That made some sense to the Princess, that explained why the guards were so nice and down-to-earth.

"So let's go" Ryū started walking away.

"You can come too" Yū smiled, taking his little sisters hand as they started to exit the garden.

"Okay." She nodded "is Ken-chan there?"

"Ken-chan.." Yū sighed.

Over the Years, Kentaro got recruited as the Princess' Bodyguard and personally he loved it. Her brothers, on the other hand were super jealous of the guy.

They hit it off after the whole flower crown incident. He'd never admit it but he loved when they had tea together.

"Yeah i think a few old guards are there" Ryū answered.

As they neared the Training grounds, (Y/n)'s eyes landed on Kentaro who shot her a weird facial expression. Well, it was supposed to be a smile.

She looked at the new guards and one particular one made her breath hitch.

Karasuno's Princess ( Haikyuu X Child!Reader ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now