"Kill that child at once"

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"Momma (Y/n) hasn't come in a while, what happened?" Atsumu sprung up conversation which caught Rintarou's attention.

"(Y/n) right now is at Boarding school" Sara lied.

"Why?" Rintarou asked, Gray-ish yellow eyes boring into hers.

Out of all her kids he scared her the most.

He was quiet and much hard to read for a 6 year old. He tended to catch on quickly and asked questions only when things were suspicious to him.

Sara knew she had to choose her words wisely when answering him.

"Well that's what her mommy wanted sweety" she plastered a wide grin on her face trying to win him over.

"Can we afford that" Atsumu asked himself making his mother scream profanities internally.

"We can talk about that later. Come and read this book for me Rin, let's see how good you've gotten" She changed the subject and he nodded walking over to his mother.


"Hear that? she's just at boardin' school" Osamu tapped his brother as they were sitting outside near the living room window.

"That proves nothin" Hitoshi muttered.

"You're too darn negative" Aran protested "i think we should stay positive and believe them."

"Maybe we're just panicky because her mom passed." Osamu added.

"Yeah but why wasn't she there for the funeral and stuff?" Hitoshi pondered.

"Ya can't take a 5 year old to her mom's funeral" Aran whisper-yelled "quit harbourin' negative thoughts"

"Then where was she durin' that time? I'm positive something happened to her" Hitoshi stated.

"What happened to who?" Atsumu interrupted.

They didn't notice Atsumu at the windowsill leaning down and watching them with little Rintarou peeking his head up too.


🚨Warning🚨: Major Cuteness Ahead!

It was your normal summer day and (Y/n) had just finished the few classes she attended 3 times a week namely: Proper manners, Vocabulary and General Studies.

She sighed staring up at the high white ceilings as the heat only added to her frustration.

What frustration you may ask?.

Everyone's favourite 4 year old was currently going through a toddlers worst nightmare


Why exactly was she bored?

Well days like these didn't come often as there had to be at least one person to keep her company but today everyone seemed to be busy.

Keishin and Koushi went on a small expedition to the next village along with 2 other Magicians to deal with a small Mana issue that seemed to disrupt the barriers in certain areas and she didn't know when they would return

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