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Dear Journal,
Today is September 5th, 2020. It's the second week and third day of school and I'm really starting to get the hang of things around here. I'm getting closer to my friends and getting a lot more comfortable with the environment. On Friday during the volleyball game, Jisoo got really upset and she hasn't talked to me since then. I really want to talk to her, but I think she maybe embarrassed from what happened. I don't blame her though. This weekend sucked really bad...the doctors said that mama's diabetes is getting worse and I don't know what to do. I'm gonna need to keep more of an eye out for her, but because of her I feel...drained. I can't even go to work all the time because she always needs someone to watch her. I barely know my neighbors so I don't know if I can trust them...Mama said that I can ask one of my friends to come help me, but I don't exactly know who would do it. This is so frustrating and I really don't know what to do...Monday and Tuesday were pretty okay. At least I was anywhere but at home...hopefully today is a better day.

Jimin closed his notebook and placed it in his book bag before getting out of his car and walking towards the front of the school. From there he met up with Jungkook who sure had a lot to talk about this morning.

"Jimin! Hey! Quick question...I'm asking for a friend," Jungkook told. Jimin nodded. "Ask away."

"Have you ever been in a secret relationship?"

Jimin turned to him, "um...no not at all."

"Have you...ever liked someone and you guys hung out, went on dates, and sometimes even made out a little, but you guys didn't have a label?" Jungkook asked again.

Jimin gave him a look. "Jungkook, that's very...detailed, but no that's never happened to me...why are you asking these questions?"

Jungkook crossed him arms. "I already told you that it was for a friend."

"I'm starting not to believe so," Jimin giggled and Jungkook sighed. "Okay okay...it was for me. I need some advice."

"Lay it on me," Jimin said.

"So...I've been talking to this guy for a little while—he goes to our school by the way. Sometimes we go on dates and make out...I actually tutored him in Math last year. He's so sweet and funny and I...really really like him and I think he likes me too, but..."

"But what?"

"I want us to be public...but he said we can't," Jungkook pouted. "He won't even tell me why either."

Jimin frowned. "What? That's not fair. Have you tried talking to him?"


"Well that maybe a problem. I think you should talk to whoever you're having this affair with. Tell them how you feel about it and if he still doesn't want to continue what you guys have going on, but with the boyfriend label, then I'd suggest you leave him and find someone else."

"Yeah...you're right, but I really really like him," Jungkook whined.

"Who is the guy you're crushing on?" Jimin asked.

"You know Jackson right?"

Jimin's eyes went wide. "Jackson?! You...and him?! I-I mean no offense, but I just didn't think you guys...y'know..."

"You didn't think someone like me would be with someone like him? Yeah, Minji told me the same thing," Jungkook laughed a little.

"I'm just a little surprised is call," Jimin smiled.

"No hard feelings," Jungkook laughed. "But I think I'll talk to him. Thanks for the advice!"

"Of course," Jimin smiled, and then frowned a little. "Should I ask Jungkook?" Jimin thought to himself. He turned to Jungkook who was looking away from him as they both walked down the hallway. "H-Hey...Jungkook I have a question," Jimin squeaked.

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